figurative是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 比喻的, 修饰的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- I may say, of myself and Copperfield, inwords we have sung together before now, that 387 "We twa' hae run about the braes And pu'd the gowans fine"脗路 in a figurative point of view- on several occasions.
-- It was in these apartments that Mr Swiveller made use of the expressions above recorded for the consolation and encouragement of his desponding friend; and it may not be uninteresting or improper to remark that even these brief observations partook in a double sense of the figurative and poetical character of Mr Swiveller's mind, as the rosy wine was in fact represented by one glass of cold gin-and-water, which was replenished as occasion required from a bottle and jug upon the table, and was passed from one to another, in a scarcity of tumblers which, as Mr Swiveller's was a bachelor's establishment, may be acknowledged without a blush.
-- There seemed to be few, if any, abstract terms, or little use of figurative language.
-- 'If you mean, remonstrated with you ''Don't put words into my mouth that I don't mean,' said Jeremiah, sticking to his figurative expression with tenacious and impenetrable obstinacy: 'I mean dropped down upon me.'
-- Though the figurative language of David was not very -intelligible, the sincere and steady expression of his eye, and the glow of his honest countenance, were not easily mis-taken.
-- The expression of his eye contradicted his figurative and boastful language, while every muscle in his wrinkled visage was working with an-guish.
-- 'They will yet find the Huron a singing-bird,' said Dun-can, endeavoring to adopt the figurative language of the natives.
-- The men of the Lenape listened to his words with all the respect that superstition could lend, finding a secret charm even in the figurative language with which the young Saga-more imparted his ideas.