perpendicular是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 垂直的, 成直角的; 直立的; n. 垂直线,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- At this point indicated on the planisphere one of these currents was rolling, the Kuro-Scivo of the Japanese, the Black River, which, leaving the Gulf of Bengal, where it is warmed by the perpendicular rays of a tropical sun, crosses the Straits of Malacca along the coast of Asia, turns into the North Pacific to the Aleutian Islands, carrying with it trunks of camphor-trees and other indigenous productions, and edging the waves of the ocean with the pure indigo of its warm water.
-- The fuci and llianas grew in rigid perpendicular lines, due to the density of the element which had produced them.
-- It must have been about three o'clock when we reached a narrow valley, between high perpendicular walls, situated about seventy-five fathoms deep.
-- At this moment the Nautilus arrived at the side of this high, perpendicular wall.
-- The steps became more and more perpendicular and narrow.
-- The second level was separated by a perpendicular granite cliff, terminated at the top by an unequal edge at a height of at least 300 feet.
-- It was a perpendicular wall of very hard granite, which even the waves had not worn away.
-- "Well, my boy, I have just constructed two similar right-angled triangles; the first, the smallest, has for its sides the perpendicular pole, the distance which separates the little stick from the foot of the pole and my visual ray for hypothenuse; the second has for its sides the perpendicular cliff, the height of which we wish to measure, the distance which separates the little stick from the bottom of the cliff, and my visual ray also forms its hypothenuse, which proves to be prolongation of that of the first triangle."
-- It was by this that the water escaped; and this time it was not an oblique and practicable passage, but a perpendicular well, into which it was impossible to venture.
-- The pickaxe was easily found, and the hole could be seen in a perpendicular line above the spot where it was stuck in the sand.