
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:46


upon是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为prep. 在…上; 在…旁[=on,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Thus this entire set of books form a united series upon which Verne worked intermittently during ten years.

-- As Lord of Luss and "laird" of Malcolm, he represented his county in the House of Lords; but, with his Jacobite ideas, he did not care much for the favor of the House of Hanover, and he was looked upon coldly by the State party in England, because of the tenacity with which he clung to the traditions of his forefathers, and his energetic resistance to the political encroachments of Southerners.

-- Considering her size, the SCOTIA might justly look upon the DUNCAN as a mere fly-boat, and yet this pleasure yacht of Lord Glenarvan was quite the center of attraction, and the excitement about her daily increased.



-- He called me one morning into his chamber, where he was con-fined by the gout, and expostulated very warmly with me upon this subject.

-- He told me it was men of desperate fortunes on one hand, or of aspir-ing, superior fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make themselves fa-mous in undertakings of a nature out of the common road; that these things were all either too far above me or too far below me; that mine was the middle state, or what might be called the upper station of low life, which he had found, by long experience, was the best state in the world, the most suited to human happiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, am-bition, and envy of the upper part of mankind.

-- He bade me observe it, and I should always find that the calamities of life were shared among the upper and lower part of mankind, but that the middle station had the few-est disasters, and was not exposed to so many vicissitudes as the higher or lower part of mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many distempers and uneasinesses, either of body or mind, as those were who, by vicious living, lux-ury, and extravagances on the one hand, or by hard labour, want of necessaries, and mean or insufficient diet on the other hand, bring distemper upon themselves by the nat-ural consequences of their way of living; that the middle station of life was calculated for all kind of virtue and all kind of enjoyments; that peace and plenty were the hand-maids of a middle fortune; that temperance, moderation, quietness, health, society, all agreeable diversions, and all desirable pleasures, were the blessings attending the middle station of life; that this way men went silently and smoothly through the world, and comfortably out of it, not embar-rassed with the labours of the hands or of the head, not sold to a life of slavery for daily bread, nor harassed with per-plexed circumstances, which rob the soul of peace and the body of rest, nor enraged with the passion of envy, or the secret burning lust of ambition for great things; but, in easy circumstances, sliding gently through the world, and sen-sibly tasting the sweets of living, without the bitter; feeling that they are happy, and learning by every day's experience to know it more sensibly, After this he pressed me earnestly, and in the most af-fectionate manner, not to play the young man, nor to precipitate myself into miseries which nature, and the sta-tion of life I was born in, seemed to have provided against; that I was under no necessity of seeking my bread; that he would do well for me, and endeavour to enter me fairly into the station of life which he had just been recommending to me; and that if I was not very easy and happy in the world, it must be my mere fate or fault that must hinder it; and that he should have nothing to answer for, having thus dis-charged his duty in warning me against measures which he knew would be to my hurt; in a word, that as he would do very kind things for me if I would stay and settle at home as he directed, so he would not have so much hand in my misfortunes as to give me any encouragement to go away; and to close all, he told me I had my elder brother for an example, to whom he had used the same earnest persua-sions to keep him from going into the Low Country wars, but could not prevail, his young desires prompting him to run into the army, where he was killed; and though he said he would not cease to pray for me, yet he would venture to say to me, that if I did take this foolish step, God would not bless me, and I should have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counsel when there might be none to assist in my recovery.

-- However, I did not act quite so hastily as the first heat of my resolution prompted; but I took my mother at a time when I thought her a little more pleasant than ordinary, and told her that my thoughts were so entirely bent upon seeing the world that I should never settle to anything with resolution enough to go through with it, and my father had better give me his consent than force me to go without it; that I was now eighteen years old, which was too late to go apprentice to a trade or clerk to an attorney; that I was sure if I did I should never serve out my time, but I should certainly run away from my master before my time was out, and go to sea; and if she would speak to my father to let me go one voyage abroad, if I came home again, and did not like it, I would go no more; and I would promise, by a double diligence, to recover the time that I had lost.

-- This put my mother into a great passion; she told me she knew it would be to no purpose to speak to my father upon any such subject; that he knew too well what was my inter-est to give his consent to anything so much for my hurt; and that she wondered how I could think of any such thing after the discourse I had had with my father, and such kind and tender expressions as she knew my father had used to me; and that, in short, if I would ruin myself, there was no help for me; but I might depend I should never have their con-sent to it; that for her part she would not have so much hand in my destruction; and I should never have it to say that my mother was willing when my father was not.



-- "That is very true, and, therefore, I do not know whether, upon the whole, it would not be more advisable to do something for their mother while she lives, rather than for them something of the annuity kind I mean. My sisters would feel the good effects of it as well as herself.

-- I have seen a great deal of him, have studied his sentiments and heard his opinion on subjects of literature and taste; and, upon the whole, I venture to pronounce that his mind is well-informed, enjoyment of books exceedingly great, his imagination lively, his observation just and correct, and his taste delicate and pure.

-- His abilities in every respect improve as much upon acquaintance as his manners and person.

-- He so frequently talked of the increasing expenses of housekeeping, and of the perpetual demands upon his purse, which a man of any consequence in the world was beyond calculation exposed to, that he seemed rather to stand in need of more money himself than to have any design of giving money away.

-- With the size and furniture of the house Mrs. Dashwood was upon the whole well satisfied; for though her former style of life rendered many additions to the latter indispensable, yet to add and improve was a delight to her; and she had at this time ready money enough to supply all that was wanted of greater elegance to the apartments.



-- He leaned forward to put his elbows upon the back of her seat and proceeded to make himself volubly agreeable.

-- She now turned and looked upon him in full, the instincts of self-protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain.

-- He was, for the order of intellect represented, attractive, and whatever he had to recommend him, you may be sure was not lost upon Carrie, in this, her first glance.

-- She began to gather up her poor little grip and closed her hand firmly upon her purse.

-- To Carrie, the sound of the little bells upon the horse-cars, as they tinkled in and out of hearing, was as pleasing as it was novel.



-- Then the preacher begun to preach, and begun in earnest, too; and went weaving first to one side of the platform and then the other, and then a-leaning down over the front of it, with his arms and his body going all the time, and shouting his words out with all his might; and every now and then he would hold up his Bible and spread it open, and kind of pass it around this way and that, shouting, 'It's the brazen ser-pent in the wilderness!Look upon it and live!'



-- Once upon a time there was a piece of wood.

-- He struck a most solemn blow upon the piece of wood.

-- On hearing himself called Polendina for the third time, Geppetto lost his head with rage and threw himself upon the carpenter.

-- Think how he felt when, upon searching for them, he discovered that he had forgotten to make them!

-- In a jiffy he pounced upon it.











