
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:46


receive是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 收到, 接到; 遭受, 受到; 接待, 接见,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The obscurity was so difficult to penetrate that Mr. Lorry, picking his way over the well-worn Turkey carpet, supposed Miss Manette to be, for the moment, in some adjacent room, until, having got past the two tall candles, he saw standing to receive him by the table between them and the fire, a young lady of not more than seventeen, in a riding-cloak, and still holding her straw travellinghat by its ribbon in her hand.

-- However, father and daughter did at last appear, and Miss Pross was ready at the street door to receive them.

-- But the crowning unreality of his long unreal ride, was, their all at once rising to receive him, with every re-finement of manner known to the time, and with all the engaging graces and courtesies of life.

-- At last, when he appealed by name to Monsieur Lor-ry, an English gentleman then and there present, who, like himself, had been a witness on that English trial and could corroborate his account of it, the Jury declared that they had heard enough, and that they were ready with their votes if the President were content to receive them.



-- 'You need feel no care for the coming morrow: when you are old, you receive a pension.'



-- "But why should I not receive her?

-- Anna went into the drawing room to receive these guests.

-- At the time when the racers had to go to the pavilion to receive the prizes, and all attention was directed to that point, Vronsky's elder brother, Alexander, a colonel with heavy fringed epaulets, came up to him.

-- Vronsky had not had time to look at the saddle, about which he had to give some direction, when the competitors were summoned to the pavilion to receive their numbers and places in the row at starting.

-- Levin was only waiting for the delivery of his wheat to receive the money for it and go abroad.



-- Yet the offer was an alluring one, for, supposing it took the elephant fifteen hours to reach Allahabad, his owner would receive no less than six hundred pounds sterling.

-- Aouda, with an emotion she tried to conceal, said to Mr. Fogg: "Sir, you must leave me to my fate!It is on my account that you receive this treatment, it is for having saved me!"

-- The Rangoon weighed anchor at Singapore the next day at four a.m., to receive coal, having gained half a day on the prescribed time of her arrival.

-- "See here," replied Fix; "I have tracked Mr. Fogg to this place, but as yet I have failed to receive the warrant of arrest for which I sent to London.

-- "It would be prudent for us to retire," said Fix, who was anxious that Mr. Fogg should not receive any injury, at least until they got back to London.



-- I saw him receive a decoration from His Imperial Highness the Kaiser.

-- The crowd admired him, the policemen sprang to receive him.

-- By the way, when you receive your next check you'll find we've raised your honorarium to seven thousand a year."

-- Take for instance: if you could make a tabulation of the blood-counts in a couple of hundred cases of appendicitis and publish it, that'd get somewhere, and you could sort of bring in a mention of the clinic, and we'd all receive a little credit--and incidentally maybe we could raise you to three thousand a year then."

-- Yet Gottlieb did not move, but pondered the unknown chemical structure of antibodies, interrupted by questions as to whether Pearl Robbins had enough pencils, whether it would be quite all right for Dr. Holabird to receive the Lettish scientific mission this afternoon, so that Dr. Sholtheis might attend the Anglican Conference on the Reservation of the Host.



-- I returned home, and when I announced that I'd been taken back into the service and should receive a salary, heavens, what a to-do there was 芒聙娄!'

-- And the wise ones and those of under-standing will say, 'Oh Lord, why dost Thou receive these men?'

-- And He will say, 'This is why I receive them, oh ye wise, this is why I receive them, oh ye of understanding, that not one of them believed himself to be worthy of this.'

-- But having given him the right to receive the pension, I had to wait till the debt was paid off and that is only just done, so that I've been unable to send you any-thing all this time.








