broad是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 宽的, 广阔的; 广大的; 宽宏的, 豁达的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Such a glowing morning usually called Scarlett to the window, to lean arms on the broad sill and drink in thescents and sounds of Tara.
-- Scarlett shot a look of sharp suspicion at her, but Mammy's broad face carried only a look of innocence and ofregret that Scarlett was not the lady Melanie Hamilton was.
-- My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening.
-- The marshes were just a long black horizontal line then, as I stopped to look after him; and the river was just another horizontal line, not nearly so broad nor yet so black; and the sky was just a row of long angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed.
-- And as to firing!Why, I see the mist shake with the cannon, arter it was broad day,--But this man"; he had said all the rest, as if he had forgotten my being there; "did you notice anything in him?"
-- With my heart thumping like a blacksmith at Joe's broad shoulder, I looked all about for any sign of the convicts.
-- Never questioning for a moment that the house was now empty, I looked in at another window, and found myself, to my great surprise, exchanging a broad stare with a pale young gentleman with red eyelids and light hair.
-- The next morning when Dame Ilsabill awoke it was broad daylight, and she jogged the fisherman with her elbow, and said, 'Get up, husband, and bestir yourself, for we must be king of all the land.'
-- Thereupon she led the girl by the hand up to a broad gate-way.
-- Mother Holle led her, as she had led her sister, to the broad gateway; but as she was passing through, instead of the shower of gold, a great bucketful of pitch came pour-ing over her.
-- 175SNOWDROP t was the middle of winter, when the broad flakes of snow Iwere falling around, that the queen of a country many thousand miles off sat working at her window.
-- The ship lay very broad off, so we thought it better spooning be-fore the sea, than trying or hulling.
-- The king's palace is no regular edifice, but a heap of buildings, about seven miles round: the chief rooms are generally two hundred and forty feet high, and broad and long in proportion.
-- That which gave me most uneasiness among these maids of honour (when my nurse carried me to visit then) was, to see them use me without any manner of ceremony, like a creature who had no sort of consequence: for they would strip themselves to the skin, and put on their smocks in my presence, while I was placed on their toilet, directly before their naked bodies, which I am sure to me was very far from being a tempting sight, or from giving me any other emo-tions than those of horror and disgust: their skins appeared 145so coarse and uneven, so variously coloured, when I saw them near, with a mole here and there as broad as a trencher, and hairs hanging from it thicker than packthreads, to say nothing farther concerning the rest of their persons.
-- My box, by the weight of my body, the goods that were in, and the broad plates of iron fixed for strength at the four corners of the top and bottom, floated about five feet deep in water.
-- They knew the seal perfectly well; it was as broad as the palm of my hand.
-- But on thecond thoughth, he wouldn't have performed without hith mathter, tho ith ath broad ath ith long!'
-- His shoulders were broad and strong, his hands were very strong.
-- He had never been one of the modern ladylike young men: rather bucolic even, with his ruddy face and broad shoulders.
-- Connie opened the wood-gate, and Clifford puffed slow-ly through into the broad riding that ran up an incline between the clean-whipped thickets of the hazel.
-- His voice on the last words had fallen into the heavy broad drag of the dialect...perhaps also in mockery, because there had been no trace of dialect before.
-- Then his voice dropped again into the broad sound of the vernacular: 'Good mornin' to your Ladyship!'
-- There was a broad strong ledge of stone to this grating where the bottom of it was let into the masonry, three or four feet above the ground.
-- Flora, always tall, had grown to be very broad too, and short of breath; but that was not much.