pin是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 大头针; vt. 用别针别住; 钉住, 使不能行动,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- She laid down her knitting, and began to pin her rose in her head-dress, before she looked at the figure.
-- But Clara Tredgold laughed, "Leora, I do think you have the sweetest back, but do you mind if I pin you up before the others come?"
-- My friend Heep has notfixed the positive remuneration at too high a figure, but he hasmade a great deal, in the way of extrication from the pressure ofpecuniary difficulties, contingent on the value of my services; andon the value of those services, I pin my faith.
-- Though his manners were somewhat boorish, he was always as neat as a new pin and he took his snuff in a lordly way, like a man who knows that his snuff-box is always likely to be filled with maccaboy, so that when Mme.
-- On the hill across the river,the tall white chimneys of the Wilkes, home faded gradually into the darkness of the thick oaks surrounding them, andonly far-off pin points of supper lamps showed that a house was here.
-- The mortification and hurt pride that she had suffered in the library with Ashley and withRhett Butler were pin pricks to this.
-- "Oh, if you're going to pin me down no!But a girl is supposed to mind.
-- Hecould no more resist pricking the conceits, the hypocrisies and the flamboyant patriotism of those about him than asmall boy can resist putting a pin into a balloon.
-- The clock on the mantel had stopped and she had no way of telling the time but as the heat in the room lessenedand the bright pin points of light grew duller, she pulled the shade aside.
-- First, with her left hand she jammed the loaf hard and fast against her bib,--where it sometimes got a pin into it, and sometimes a needle, which we afterwards got into our mouths.
-- After they had travelled along a little way, they met aneedle and a pin walking together along the road: and the needle cried out, 'Stop, stop!'
-- Early in the morning, before it was quite light, and when nobody was stirring in the inn, Chanticleer awakened his wife, and, fetching the egg, they pecked a hole in it, ate it up, and threw the shells into the fireplace: they then went to the pin and needle, who were fast asleep, and seizing them by the heads, stuck one into the landlord's easy chair and the other into his handkerchief; and, having done this, they crept away as softly as possible.
-- An hour or two afterwards the landlord got up, and took his handkerchief to wipe his face, but the pin ran into him and pricked him: then he walked into the kitchen to light his pipe at the fire, but when he stirred it up the eggshells flew into his eyes, and almost blinded him.
-- When they arrived at Mr Korbes's house, he was not at home; so the mice drew the carriage into the coach-house, Chanticleer and Partlet flew upon a beam, the cat sat down in the fireplace, the duck got into the washing cistern, the pin stuck himself into the bed pillow, the millstone laid himself over the house door, and the egg rolled himself up in the towel.
-- Then he was very angry, and went without his supper to bed; but when he laid his head on the pillow, the pin ran into his cheek: at this he became quite furious, and, jumping up, would have run out of the house; but when he came to the door, the millstone fell down on his head, and killed him on the spot.
-- He received it on the palm of his hand, then applied it close to his eye to see what it was, and afterwards turned it several times with the point of a pin (which he took out of his sleeve,) but could make nothing of it.
-- In this exercise I once met an accident, which had like to have cost me my life; for, one of the pages having put my boat into the trough, the governess who attended Glumdal-clitch very officiously lifted me up, to place me in the boat: but I happened to slip through her fingers, and should in-fallibly have fallen down forty feet upon the floor, if, by the luckiest chance in the world, I had not been stopped by a corking-pin that stuck in the good gentlewoman's stomach-er; the head of the pin passing between my shirt and the waistband of my breeches, and thus I was held by the mid-dle in the air, till Glumdalclitch ran to my relief.
-- Again: because it is a general complaint, that the favou-rites of princes are troubled with short and weak memories; the same doctor proposed, 'that whoever attended a first minister, after having told his business, with the utmost brevity and in the plainest words, should, at his departure, give the said minister a tweak by the nose, or a kick in the belly, or tread on his corns, or lug him thrice by both ears, or run a pin into his breech; or pinch his arm black and blue, to prevent forgetfulness; and at every levee day, repeat the same operation, till the business were done, or absolutely refused.'
-- 'Pin it round your neck, and then it will be useful,' said Laurie, looking down at the little blue boots, which he evi-dently approved of.
-- That was unpardonable, and Amy took no more notice of him for a long while, except a word now and then when she came to her chaperon between the dances for a neces-sary pin or a moment's rest.
-- Before lowering the boat for the chase, the upper end of the line is taken aft from the tub, and passing round the loggerhead there, is again carried forward the entire length of the boat, resting crosswise upon the loom or handle of every man's oar, so that it jogs against his wrist in rowing; and also passing between the men, as they alternately sit at the opposite gunwales, to the leaded chocks or grooves in the extreme pointed prow of the boat, where a wooden pin or skewer the size of a common quill, prevents it from slipping out.
-- A belaying pin is found too large to be easily inserted into its hole: the carpenter claps it into one of his ever-ready vices, and straightway files it smaller.
-- and with his own hands he rigged a nest of basketed bowlines; and sending a hand aloft, with a single sheaved block, to secure to the main-mast head, he received the two ends of the downward-reeved rope; and attaching one to his basket prepared a pin for the other end, in order to fasten it at the rail.
-- It was even so; in their headlong eagerness, the men had mistaken some other thing for the whale-spout, as the event itself soon proved; for hardly had Ahab reached his perch; hardly was the rope belayed to its pin on deck, when he struck the key-note to an orchestra, that made the air vibrate as with the combined discharges of rifles.