summit是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 顶点, 高峰; 峰会(最高级会谈),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The last burst carried the mail to the summit of the hill.
-- 'Well!About two leagues beyond the summit of that hill above the village.'
-- 'Two leagues beyond the summit of the hill?'
-- And he seized hold of the creeping-plants, and the roots of trees climbed up the moist stones where the water-snakes were writhing and the toads were croaking and he gained the summit before the sun had quite gone down.
-- Lunch succeeded to our sight-seeing, and the short winter daywore away so fast, that it was dusk when the stage-coach stoppedwith us at an old brick house at Highgate on the summit of the hill.
-- To beallowed to call her 'Dora,' to write to her, to dote upon andworship her, to have reason to think that when she was with otherpeople she was yet mindful of me, seemed to me the summit ofhuman ambition- I am sure it was the summit of mine.
-- Where, for the first time in manyrevolving years, the overwhelming pressure of pecuniary liabilitieswas not proclaimed, from day to day, by importunate voicesdeclining to vacate the passage; where there was no knocker on thedoor for any creditor to appeal to; where personal service ofprocess was not required, and detainers were merely lodged at thegate!Gentlemen,' said Mr. Mi- cawber, 'when the shadow of thatiron-work on the summit of the brick structure has been reflectedon the gravel of the Parade, I have seen my children thread the 652mazes of the intricate pattern, avoiding the dark marks.
-- The girl on the summit of the load sat motionless, surrounded by tables and chairs with their legs upwards, backed by an oak settle, and ornamented in front by pots of geraniums, myrtles, and cactuses, together with a caged canary all probably from the windows of the house just vacated.
-- Between this half-wooded half-naked hill, and the vague still horizon that its summit indistinctly commanded, was a mysterious sheet of fathomless shade the sounds from which suggested that what it concealed bore some reduced resemblance to features here.
-- The indistinct summit of the fa脙搂ade was notched and pronged by chimneys here and there, and upon its face were faintly signified the oblong shapes of windows, though only in the upper part.
-- Up against this dark background the west front of the church tower the only part of the edifice visible from the farm-house windows rose distinct and lustrous, the vane upon the summit bristling with rays.
-- This yearly gathering was upon the summit of a hill which retained in good preservation the remains of an ancient earthwork, consisting of a huge rampart and entrenchment of an oval form encircling the top of the hill, though somewhat broken down here and there.
-- Af-ter so much time spent in painful labour, to arrive at once at the summit of my desires was the most gratifying con-summation of my toils.
-- I discovered more distinctly the black sides of Jura, and the bright summit of Mont Blanc.
-- During this short voyage I saw the lightning playing on the summit of Mont Blanc in the most beautiful figures.
-- I I stood beside the sources of the Arveiron, which take their rise in a glacier, that with slow pace is advancing down from the summit of the hills to barricade the valley.
-- Once, af-ter the poor animals that conveyed me had with incredible toil gained the summit of a sloping ice mountain, and one, sinking under his fatigue, died, I viewed the expanse be-256 Frankensteinfore me with anguish, when suddenly my eye caught a dark speck upon the dusky plain.
-- A flag, floating from the summit of the temple, proclaimed to mankind that it was 'Sleary's Horse-riding' which claimed their suffrages.
-- I will endeavor to climb to the summit of Sneffels, and, if possible, will descend into its crater."
-- Hence the volcanoes which suddenly arose through the upper crust, and next the craters, which burst forth at the summit of these new creations.
-- Looking up, every now and then, at the height of the great volcano of Sneffels, it appeared to me wholly impossible to reach to the summit on that side; at all events, if the angle of inclination did not speedily change.
-- At last, when I thought myself at my last gasp, about eleven at night, it being in that region quite dark, we reached the summit of Mount Sneffels!It was in an awful mood of mind, that despite my fatigue, before I descended into the crater which was to shelter us for the night, I paused to behold the sun rise at midnight on the very day of its lowest declension, and enjoyed the spectacle of its ghastly pale rays cast upon the isle which lay sleeping at our feet!
-- I stood upon the lofty summit of Mount Sneffels' southern peak.
-- They inquired at several little area gates, where a dejected youth stood spiking his chin on the summit of a precipitous little shoot of wooden steps, but could gain no information.