
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:45


routine是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 例行公事, 惯例, 常规,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The currents had thrown him out of his habitual track, and this miserable slave of routine was left quite helpless.

-- The steward, who never could forget his routine ideas, even in the most exceptional circumstances, thought the meal a slender one.



-- 'I think anything out of the ordinary routine of life well worth reporting.'



-- Having no intuitive perception of the cloud which lowered upon his house, the dwarf was in his ordinary state of cheerfulness; and, when he found he was becoming too much engrossed by business with a due regard to his health and spirits, he varied its monotonous routine with a little screeching, or howling, or some other innocent relaxation of that nature.



-- After this odd description of his daily routine of em-ployment, Mr. Lorry flattened his flaxen wig upon his head with both hands (which was most unnecessary, for nothing could be flatter than its shining surface was before), and re-sumed his former attitude.

-- All these trivial incidents belonged to the routine of life, and the return of morning.

-- 392 A tale of two cities As soon as they were established in their new residence, and her father had entered on the routine of his avocations, she arranged the little household as exactly as if her hus-band had been there.

-- The speaker seemed to acknowledge that it was inconvenient to have that different order of creature dying there, and that it would have been better if he had died in the usual obscure routine of his vermin kind.



-- After his departure, he had to finish the daily routine of business with his secretary, and then he still had to drive round to call on a certain great personage on a matter of grave and serious import.

-- But his relations with these people were confined to one clearly defined channel, and had a certain routine from which it was impossible to depart.



-- He suddenly observed, hung over the clock, a card which, upon inspection, proved to be a programme of the daily routine of the house.



-- Martin found the hospital routine slightly dull.

-- In his second year of internship, when the thrills of fires and floods and murder became as obvious a routine as bookkeeping, when he had seen the strangely few ways in which mankind can contrive to injure themselves and slaughter one another, when it was merely wearing to have to live up to the pretentiousness of being The Doctor, Martin tried to satisfy and perhaps kill his guilty scientific lust by voluntary scrabbling about the hospital laboratory, correlating the blood counts in pernicious anemia.

-- His wife seemed better; his daughter Miriam found an excellent piano teacher; the boy Robert entered college that autumn; they had a spacious though decrepit house; the relief from the droning and the annually repeated, inevitable routine of the classroom was exhilarating; and Gottlieb had never in his life worked so well.

-- Martin saw that, unless he struggled, not only would he harden into timid morality under the pressure of the village, but be fixed in a routine of prescriptions and bandaging.

-- But for the game of the thing, for the pleasure of increasing medical knowledge, how can you keep up if you don't have anything but routine practice among a lot of farmers?"



-- Time, she knew, must be allowed for this being thorough-ly done; and she could suppose herself but an indifferent judge of such matters in general, and very inadequate to sympathise in an attachment to Mr. Elton in particular; but it seemed to her reasonable that at Harriet's age, and with the entire extinction of all hope, such a progress might be made towards a state of composure by the time of Mr. Elton's return, as to allow them all to meet again in the common routine of acquaintance, without any danger of betraying sentiments or increasing them.



-- The routine of existence kept them in contact, but they were parts of a mechanism which wanted oil.

-- Five minutes earlier she would not have received her cousin, but Eugene knew nothing of the recognized routine of various houses in Paris.



-- It may appear strange that such should arise in the eighteenth century; but while I followed the routine of education in the schools of Geneva, I was, to a great degree, self-taught with regard to my favourite studies.

-- 'This day was passed in the same routine as that which preceded it.



-- Chapter XVIII now fell into a regular routine of apprenticeship life, which was varied beyond the limits of the village and the marshes, by no more remarkable circumstance than the arrival of my birthday and my paying another visit to Miss Havisham.



-- Pictures of demolished streets and altered houses, as they formerly were when the occupant of the chair was familiar with them, images of people as they too used to be, with little or no allowance made for the lapse of time since they were seen; of these, there must have been many in the long routine of gloomy days.



-- For hardly have we mortals by long toilings extracted from this world's vast bulk its small but valuable sperm; and then, with weary patience, cleansed ourselves from its defilements, and learned to live here in clean tabernacles of the soul; hardly is this done, when There she blows! the ghost is spouted up, and away we sail to fight some other world, and go through young life's old routine again.



