outer是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 外部的, 外面的, 外层的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- XIII HE prince was very nervous as he reached the outer door; Tbut he did his best to encourage himself with the reflec-tion that the worst thing that could happen to him would be that he would not be received, or, perhaps, received, then laughed at for coming.
-- Nearly the whole of the outer covering was burned away, but it was soon evident that the contents were hardly touched.
-- He hesitated no longer; but opened the glazed door at the bottom of the outer stairs and made his way up to the second storey.
-- The other followed him as far as the landing of the outer stairs, and shut the door behind him.
-- But Menelaus reassured him and said, 'Take heart, and do not alarm the people; the arrow has not struck me in a mortal part, for my outer belt of burnished metal first stayed it, and under this my cuirass and the belt of mail which the bronze-smiths made me.'
-- She met the goddesses at the outer gates of its many valleys and gave them her message.
-- Nine whole nights did they set a guard over me taking it in turns to watch, and they kept a fire always burning, both in the cloister of the outer court and in the inner court at the doors of the room wherein I lay; but when the darkness of the tenth night came, I broke through the closed doors of my room, and climbed the wall of the out-er court after passing quickly and unperceived through the men on guard and the women servants.
-- The old knight Peleus was in the outer court, roasting the fat thigh-bones of a heifer to Jove the lord of thunder; and he held a gold chalice in his hand from which he poured drink-offerings of wine over the burning sacrifice.
-- He sat upright and said, 'Son of Atreus, and all other princes of the Achaeans, first pour red wine everywhere upon the fire and quench it; let us then gather the bones of Patroclus son of Menoetius, singling them out with care; they are eas-ily found, for they lie in the middle of the pyre, while all else, both men and horses, has been thrown in a heap and burned at the outer edge.
-- He bit the end savagely before Kemp could find a knife, and cursed when the outer leaf loosened.
-- 'There's my room with the outer door ' 'That's it,' said the elder man, promptly, looking at Mont-gomery; and all three of us went towards the enclosure.
-- He left the room by the outer door, as if to avoid opening the inner one again.
-- It's queer ' 'Montgomery,' said I, suddenly, as the outer door closed, 'why has your man pointed ears?'
-- T came before my mind with an unreasonable hope of es-Icape that the outer door of my room was still open to me.
-- He meant to lock the outer door!
-- The sisters followed him into the outer cave, where David was beginning, by his sighs, to give symptoms of returning consciousness, and then commending the wounded man to their attention, he immediately prepared to leave them.
-- Within this fragile bar-rier he arranged the blankets abandoned by the foresters, darkening the inner extremity of the cavern, while its outer received a chastened light from the narrow ravine, through which one arm of the river rushed to form the junction with its sister branch a few rods below.
-- said Heyward, pausing to press her hand as he passed toward the outer entrance of the cavern.
-- That such had been the manner of their descent was rendered quite apparent to Duncan; for they now bore the light bark from the upper end of the rock, and placed it in the water, near the mouth of the outer cavern.
-- The outer branch, near the prints of one of the horses, was bent upward, as a lady breaks a flower from its stem, but all the rest were ragged and broken down, as if the strong hand of a man had been tearing them!
-- It was useless to think of lighting it from above, because of the enormous thickness of the granite which composed the ceiling; but perhaps the outer wall next the sea might be pierced.
-- Cyrus Harding, during the descent, had roughly calculated its obliqueness, and consequently the length of the passage, and was therefore led to believe that the outer wall could not be very thick.
-- Seeing that he was in a state of excitement and impatience, I turned to put on an outer coat which I had thrown off on entering the room, purposing to say no more.
-- So saying, he nodded in a friendly manner, and took his leave: stopping when he had passed the outer door a little distance, and grinning with extraordinary delight.