
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:44


timely是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 及时的, 适时的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay that this disagreeable companion had, of his own free will, as-sisted him in the strait of the day.

-- He has not received the notice yet, but I know that he will presently be summoned for to-morrow, and removed to the Con-ciergerie; I have timely information.



-- While the culinary process was in hand, curiosity induced him to inquire into the circumstances which had led to their timely and unexpected rescue: 'How is it that we see you so soon, my generous friend,' he asked, 'and without aid from the garrison of Edward?'



-- It was the theory of Crynssen County that it was quite all right for a young professional man to take a timely drink providing he kept it secret and made up for it by yearning over the clergy of the neighborhood.



-- A timely observation of the sense of power that there was in hisface, did more to bring back to my remembrance the entreaty ofAgnes, in its full force, than any effort I could have made.

-- This momentous pocket-book was a timely reminder to him ofanother transaction.



-- Beset by these opposing considerations, Mrs Jiniwin admitted the powers of insinuation, but denied the right to govern, and with a timely compliment to the stout lady brought back the discussion to the point from which it had strayed.

-- Mr List's squint assumed a portentous character, which seemed to threaten a prolongation of this controversy, when his companion, who had been looking sharply at the old man, put a timely stop to it.

-- Nothing but the respect and obligation I owe to you, sir 'As it was plain that Sampson was bent on a complimentary harangue, unless he received a timely interruption, Mr Quilp politely tapped him on the crown of his head with the little saucepan, and requested that he would be so obliging as to hold his peace.



-- Leaving her instructions with Gabriel and Maryann, that they were to see everything carefully locked up for the night, she went out of the house just at the close of a timely thunder-shower, which had refined the air, and daintily bathed the coat of the land, though all beneath was dry as ever.

-- Boldwood had already twitched the handkerchief, and the gun exploded a second time, sending its contents, by a timely blow from Samway, into the beam which crossed the ceiling.



-- And and I would suggest to you, that that if you would kindly meet me in a timely endeavour to leave her to her better nature for a while and to encourage it to develop itself by tenderness and consideration it it would be the better for the happiness of all of us.



-- His neck was so twisted that the knotted ends of his white cravat usually dangled under one ear; his natural acerbity and energy, always contending with a second nature of habitual repression, gave his features a swollen and suffused look; and altogether, he had a weird appearance of having hanged himself at one time or other, and of having gone about ever since, halter and all, exactly as some timely hand had cut him down.

-- It was a timely chance, favourable to his wish of observing her face and manner when no one else was by.

-- So fixed was his figure, that it would have been matter of some difficulty to bend him sufficiently to get him in the carriage-door, if he had not received the timely assistance of a maternal pull from within.

-- But for the timely return of Flora, to find him in this difficult situation, further consequences might have ensued.



-- By her next speech, Jo deprived herself of several years of pleasure, and received a timely lesson in the art of holding her tongue.



-- "At sunrise he summoned all hands; and separating those who had rebelled from those who had taken no part in the mutiny, he told the former that he had a good mind to flog them all round thought, upon the whole, he would do so he ought to justice demanded it; but for the present, considering their timely surrender, he would let them go with a reprimand, which he accordingly administered in the vernacular.

-- Now, by reason of this timely spinning round the boat upon its axis, its bow, by anticipation, was made to face the whale's head while yet under water.



-- Mr. Fagin laid great stress on the fact of his having taken Oliver in, and cherished him, when, without his timely aid, he might have perished with hunger; and he related the dismal and affecting history of a young lad whom, in his philanthropy, he had succoured under parallel circumstances, but who, proving unworthy of his confidence and evincing a desire to communicate with the police, had unfortunately come to be hanged at the Old Bailey one morning.


