
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:44


unexpected是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 想不到的, 意外的, 未预料到,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- CHAPTER VI AN UNEXPECTED PASSENGERTHE ladies passed the whole of the first day of the voyage in their berths, for there was a heavy swell in the sea, and toward evening the wind blew pretty fresh, and the DUNCAN tossed and pitched considerably.



-- 'You do know her, and she helps you better than any-one else could,' answered Laurie, looking at her with such mischievous meaning in his merry black eyes that Beth sud-denly turned very red, and hid her face in the sofa cushion, quite overcome by such an unexpected discovery.

-- Jo gave a sort of gasp, as if a cold shower bath had suddenly fallen upon her, for such an unexpected turning of the tables actually took her breath away.

-- She colored angrily, but took no other notice of that girlish sarcasm, and answered with unexpected amiabil-ity... 'It shall be as you please, Mrs. Chester.

-- Another and a better gift than intellect was shown her in a most unexpected manner.



-- cried Ahab, with a wild approval in his tones; observing the hearty animation into which his unexpected question had so magnetically thrown them.

-- Throttling his joy, Ahab negatively answered this unexpected question; and would then have fain boarded the stranger, when the stranger captain himself, having stopped his vessel's way, was seen descending her side.



-- This unexpected offer of shelter was too tempting to be resisted; especially as it was immediately followed up, by the assurance that the old gentleman referred to, would doubtless provide Oliver with a comfortable place, without loss of time.

-- exclaimed the Jew, exasperated beyond all bounds by his companion's unexpected obstinacy, and the vexation of the night, 'I will change it!Listen to me, you drab.

-- Oliver felt stunned and stupefied by the unexpected intelligence; he could not weep, or speak, or rest.

-- It was while he was engaged in this pursuit, that he was greatly startled and distressed by a most unexpected occurrence.

-- On hearing this most unexpected sound, Mr. Bumble looked, first incredulous, and afterwards amazed.



-- The subjection in which his father had brought him up had given him originally great humility of manner; but it was now a good deal counteracted by the self-conceit of a weak head, living in retirement, and the consequential feel-ings of early and unexpected prosperity.

-- Before they were separated by the conclusion of the play, she had the unexpected happiness of an invitation to ac-company her uncle and aunt in a tour of pleasure which they proposed taking in the summer.

-- That he should even speak to her was amaz-ing! but to speak with such civility, to inquire after her family!Never in her life had she seen his manners so little dignified, never had he spoken with such gentleness as on this unexpected meeting.

-- It was to this effect: 'Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you be assured that we are all well.

-- 'On the very day of my coming home from Longbourn, your uncle had a most unexpected visitor.



-- Besides this, I arrived at an unexpected perfection in my earthenware, and contrived well enough to make them with a wheel, which I found infinitely easier and better; be-cause I made things round and shaped, which before were filthy things indeed to look on.



-- His opinion, however, made some little amends for his delay, for though acknowledging a very unexpected and unpleasant alteration in his patient, he would not allow the danger to be material, and talked of the relief which a fresh mode of treatment must procure, with a confidence which, in a lesser degree, was communicated to Elinor.

-- By their uncertain light she thought she could discern it to be drawn by four horses; and this, while it told the excess of her poor mother's alarm, gave some explanation to such unexpected rapidity.

-- With apprehensive caution therefore it was revealed, and he was listened to with unexpected calmness.



-- At that unexpected trick, Geppetto became very sad and downcast, more so than he had ever been before.

-- At the unexpected apparition, no one dared even to breathe.

-- Suddenly the little donkey gave a kick with his two hind feet and, at this unexpected move, the poor Marionette found himself once again sprawling right in the middle of the road.






