proceeding是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 行动, 进行, (pl. ) 会议录, 学报,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Of course; and if it will give you the slightest pleasure—"His companions had hardly time to thank him for his obliging good nature, when distant and prolonged howls broke on their ear, plainly not proceeding from one or two solitary animals, but from a whole troop, and one, moreover, that was rapidly approaching.
-- An instant afterwards he gave a little cry of satisfaction, and, following the direction of his eager eyes, I saw that a han-som cab with a man inside which had halted on the other side of the street was now proceeding slowly onward again.
-- After shoving aside the bushes, and proceeding a few paces, he encountered the females, who awaited the result of the conference with anxiety, and not entirely without apprehension.
-- This mental lecture delivered to myself while proceeding on a journey, did me good.
-- One might have supposed that the next proceeding of the Italian would have been to undress; but he did exactly the reverse, and dressed himself from head to foot, saving his shoes.
-- Proceeding shortly afterwards to pay his respects to the Bosom, Mr Dorrit was received by it with great consideration.
-- 'There are only three branches of my subject, my dear Clennam,' said Doyce, proceeding to mould them severally, with his plastic thumb, on the palm of his hand, 'and they're soon disposed of.
-- cried Meg, waving the precious paper and then proceeding to read it with girlish delight.
-- Jo took him at his word, for she coolly turned round and studied him a proceeding which would have much surprised him, had he know it, for the worthy Professor was very humble in his own conceit.
-- asked Laurie, leaning back and folding his arms, a proceeding which suited Amy, who pre-ferred to drive, for her parasol whip and blue reins over the white ponies backs afforded her infinite satisfaction.
-- Then he stayed away for three whole days, and made no sign, a proceeding which caused everybody to look sober, and Jo to become pensive, at first, and then alas for romance very cross.
-- But presently I came to a smoky light proceeding from a low, wide building, the door of which stood invitingly open.
-- Your chicha's very fine; and ere proceeding further I will tell ye what our Canallers are; for such information may throw side-light upon my story.'
-- Squaring her yards, she bore down, ranged abeam under the Pequod's lee, and lowered a boat; it soon drew nigh; but, as the side-ladder was being rigged by Starbuck's order to accommodate the visiting captain, the stranger in question waved his hand from his boat's stern in token of that proceeding being entirely unnecessary.
-- Stubb was struck by a shower of outcries and anathemas proceeding from the Captain's round-house abaft; and looking in that direction saw a fiery face thrust from behind the door, which was held ajar from within.
-- Already has it been related how the great leviathan is afar off descried from the mast-head; how he is chased over the watery moors, and slaughtered in the valleys of the deep; how he is then towed alongside and beheaded; and how (on the principle which entitled the headsman of old to the garments in which the beheaded was killed) his great padded surtout becomes the property of his executioner; how, in due time, he is condemned to the pots, and, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, his spermaceti, oil, and bone pass unscathed through the fire; but now it remains to conclude the last chapter of this part of the description by rehearsing singing, if I may the romantic proceeding of decanting off his oil into the casks and striking them down into the hold, where once again leviathan returns to his native profundities, sliding along beneath the surface as before; but, alas!never more to rise and blow.
-- In others, he would stand about the inn-yards, and look mournfully at every one who passed: a proceeding which generally terminated in the landlady's ordering one of the post-boys who were lounging about, to drive that strange boy out of the place, for she was sure he had come to steal something.
-- This preliminary proceeding laying bare his head, the expert lady, clasping him tightly round the throat with one hand, inflicted a shower of blows (dealt with singular vigour and dexterity) upon it with the other.
-- Mr. Bumble, who had eyed the building with very rueful looks, was apparently about to express some doubts relative to the advisability of proceeding any further with the enterprise just then, when he was prevented by the appearance of Monks: who opened a small door, near which they stood, and beckoned them inwards.
-- 'The indirect boast; for you are really proud of your de-fects in writing, because you consider them as proceeding from a rapidity of thought and carelessness of execution, which, if not estimable, you think at least highly interest-ing.
-- But in all, and in almost every line of each, there was a want of that cheerfulness which had been used to charac- terise her style, and which, proceeding from the serenity of a mind at ease with itself and kindly disposed towards ev- eryone, had been scarcely ever clouded.
-- She was proceeding directly to her favourite walk, when the recol-lection of Mr. Darcy's sometimes coming there stopped her, and instead of entering the park, she turned up the lane, which led farther from the turnpike-road.
-- Georgiana's reception of them was very civil, but attended with all the embarrass-ment which, though proceeding from shyness and the fear of doing wrong, would easily give to those who felt them-selves inferior the belief of her being proud and reserved.
-- Be assured, my dear sir, that Mrs. Collins and myself sincerely sympathise with you and all your respectable family, in your present distress, which must be of the bitterest kind, because proceeding from a cause which no time can remove.