major是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 主要的n. 成年人, 专业学生, 主修课程v. 主修,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Lord Edward Glenarvan was on board with his young wife, Lady Helena, and one of his cousins, Major McNabbs.
-- said Major McNabbs, incredulously.
-- Tom obeyed, and in a few minutes brought in the bottle and laid it on the table, at which Lord Glenarvan and the Major were sitting ready with the captain, and, of course Lady Helena, for women, they say, are always a little curious.
-- It was evidently of Champagne origin, and the Major said immediately, "That's one of our Clicquot's bottles."
-- "Perhaps the one may supplement the other," suggested Major McNabbs.
-- Mule, horse, elephant, or bull-ock, he obeys his driver, and the driver his sergeant, and the sergeant his lieutenant, and the lieutenant his captain, and the captain his major, and the major his colonel, and the colonel his brigadier commanding three regiments, and the brigadier the general, who obeys the Viceroy, who is the ser-vant of the Empress.
-- 'Will you not speak to him, Major Heyward, that I may hear his tones?
-- The conjecture of Major Heyward was true.
-- 'Judge not too rashly from hasty and deceptive appear-ances,' said the lady, smiling; 'though Major Heyward can assume such deep notes on occasion, believe me, his natu-ral tones are better fitted for a mellow tenor than the bass you heard.'
-- He meditated that if science and public hygiene did remove tuberculosis and the other major plagues, the world was grimly certain to become so overcrowded, to become such a universal slave- packed shambles, that all beauty and ease and wisdom would disappear in a famine-driven scamper for existence.
-- It is one of the major tragedies that nothing is more discomforting than the hearty affection of the Old Friends who never were friends.
-- But one evening when in an estimable and innocent manner he was looking at the remains of a gunman who had just been murdered by another gunman, he realized that Major Rippleton Holabird was standing by, glaring.
-- For once the Major was unpleasant: "Captain, does it seem to you that this is quite playing the game, to wear mufti?
-- But Major Dr. Yeo had one military triumph.
-- The major incharge didn't want to let that out until the printing was done, for fear the crowd would wreck the offices trying to getnews.
-- "Regret to inform you Major Wilkes missing since scouting expedition three days ago.
-- It was his major necessity, even though he always said: She turned me down!
-- 'I deny that Bolshevism is logical, it rejects the major part of the premisses,' said Hammond.
-- The major characteristics discoverable by the stranger in Mr F.'s Aunt, were extreme severity and grim taciturnity; sometimes interrupted by a propensity to offer remarks in a deep warning voice, which, being totally uncalled for by anything said by anybody, and traceable to no association of ideas, confounded and terrified the Mind.
-- Major Lin-coln asked who 'the fresh little girl with the beautiful eyes' was, and Mr. Moffat insisted on dancing with her because she 'didn't dawdle, but had some spring in her', as he grace-fully expressed it.
-- As she stood there, Major Lincoln passed by, and a minute after she heard him saying to his mother... 'They are making a fool of that little girl.
-- 2, All serene on the Rappahannock, troops in fine condi-tion, commisary department well conducted, the Home Guard under Colonel Teddy always on duty, Commander in Chief General Laurence reviews the army daily, Quar-termaster Mullet keeps order in camp, and Major Lion does picket duty at night.
-- Stories began to crop up--those ever-enduring, droll stories which form the major portion of the conversation among American men under such circumstances.
-- He would undo what he could by sending the money back--the major portion of it.