
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:44


misfortune是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 不幸, 灾祸,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- "However, it is so sometimes, and nothing happens that we expect," he added, with the repose of a man whom misfortune had inured rather than subdued.



-- Misfortune had accustomed Eugene de Rastignac, for that was his name, to work.

-- This young misfortune was not unlike a shrub, newly planted in an uncongenial soil, where its leaves have already begun to wither.

-- "If I had been there at the time," Vautrin would say at the end of the story, "I would have shown her up, and that misfortune would not have befallen you.



-- I feel exquisite pleasure in dwelling on the recollec- 33tions of childhood, before misfortune had tainted my mind and changed its bright visions of extensive usefulness into gloomy and narrow reflections upon self.

-- My depar- ture was therefore fixed at an early date, but before the day resolved upon could arrive, the first misfortune of my life occurred an omen, as it were, of my future misery.

-- Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education.

-- Our misfortune is doubly hard to us; we have not only lost that lovely darling boy, but this poor girl, whom I sincerely love, is to be torn away by even a worse fate.

-- She embraced Elizabeth and said in a voice of half-suppressed emotion, 'Farewell, sweet lady, dearest Elizabeth, my beloved and only friend; may heaven, in its bounty, bless and preserve you; may this be the last misfortune that you will ever suffer!Live, and be happy, and make others so.'



-- Then she sat and wept and screamed with all the strength of her body, over the misfortune which lay before her.

-- 'What misfortune has happened then?'



-- I had a strong hope, which never left me, that I should one day recover my liberty: and as to the ignominy of being carried about for a monster, I con-sidered myself to be a perfect stranger in the country, and that such a misfortune could never be charged upon me as a reproach, if ever I should return to England, since the king of Great Britain himself, in my condition, must have under-gone the same distress.

-- It was indeed my misfortune to find them at that time not very perfect in their lessons, and the professor himself happened to be generally mistaken.

-- Here I discovered the roguery and ignorance of those who pretend to write anecdotes, or secret history; who send so many kings to their graves with a cup of poison; will repeat the discourse between a prince and chief minister, where no witness was by; unlock the thoughts and cabinets of ambassadors and secretaries of state; and have the perpet-ual misfortune to be mistaken.



-- He had spoken to Rachael only last night, it was true, and had walked with her a little way; but he had his new misfortune on him, in which no one else could give him a moment's relief, and, for the sake of it, and because he knew himself to want that softening of his anger which no voice but hers could effect, he felt he might so far disregard what she had said as to wait for her again.



-- His wife was a thin, pale, sharp kind of person with no fortune of her own, and the misfortune of having to regulate her husband's rather sordid amorous exploits.



-- I had lived in the house some four months when Monsieur Henri Barronneau had the misfortune to die; at any rate, not a rare misfortune, that.

-- Somehow or other, this was the general misfortune of Bleeding Heart Yard.

-- She had the misfortune to lose her husband when she had been married a few months.

-- It was a misfortune to him, trifle as it might have been to another.

-- if he has the misfortune to strike out something serviceable to the nation, he must follow where it leads him.'



-- I don't know anything about them, thought Beth, and forgetting the boy's misfortune in her flurry, she said, hoping to make him talk, 'I never saw any hunting, but I suppose you know all about it.'

-- It's a great misfortune to have such strong likes and dislikes, isn't it?'



-- So strongly and metaphysically did I conceive of my situation then, that while earnestly watching his motions, I seemed distinctly to perceive that my own individuality was now merged in a joint stock company of two; that my free will had received a mortal wound; and that another's mistake or misfortune might plunge innocent me into unmerited disaster and death.





