modification是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 缓和; 修改; 修饰,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Another school of opinion followed Mr. Fearenside, and either accepted the piebald view or some modification of it; as, for instance, Silas Durgan, who was heard to assert that "if he choses to show enself at fairs he'd make his fortune in no time," and being a bit of a theologian, compared the stranger to the man with the one talent.
-- Very much indeed of what we call moral education, he said, is such an artificial modification and perversion of instinct; pugnacity is trained into courageous self-sacrifice, and suppressed sexuality into religious emotion.
-- The bailiff was pointed out to Gabriel, who, checking the palpitation within his breast at discovering that this Ashtoreth of strange report was only a modification of Venus the well-known and admired, retired with him to talk over the necessary preliminaries of hiring.
-- What had happened to the Undergrounders I did not yet suspect; but, from what I had seen of the Morlocks that, by the bye, was the name by which these creatures were called I could imagine that the modification of the human type was even far more profound than among the 'Eloi,' the beautiful race that I already knew.
-- Another modification of Prunes and Prism insinuated itself on Little Dorrit's notice very shortly after their arrival.
-- "Of course we are," he said, with the slightest modification of sharpness.