invariably是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 不变地, 永恒地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The sand-banks irritate the waves, and make the sea so particularly rough, that in heavy weather vessels that run aground there are invariably dashed to pieces.
-- He made many new friends; and was moreover, a frequent visitor at the debtor's prison, to which he invariably accompanied his mother.
-- He invariably began by opening the door a crack and peering in to see if the prince was there, or if he had escaped; then he would creep softly up to the armchair, sometimes making Muish-kin jump by his sudden appearance.
-- When, therefore, she was bound to talk, especially at such delicate moments as this, she invariably did so with an air of haughty defiance.
-- He seemed to have been born with overwrought nerves, and in his passionate desire to excel, he was often led to the brink of some rash step; and yet, having resolved upon such a step, when the moment arrived, he invariably proved too sensible to take it.
-- On his return he was invariably informed that Colia had been looking for him.
-- And it had, though no man had traced it, invariably ended its mysterious flight in the pocket of that agitated gentleman in the obsolete silk hat, sitting outside the little inn on the outskirts of Port Stowe.
-- The spade was not invariably called a bloody shovel.
-- The atmosphere, violently agitated by the electric commotions, could not recover its former purity, and there was almost invariably rain and fog, except for three or four fine days on which several excursions were made.
-- Feeling, no doubt, that simplicity and plainness are the soul of elegance, Miss Brass wore no collar or kerchief except upon her head, which was invariably ornamented with a brown gauze scarf, like the wing of the fabled vampire, and which, twisted into any form that happened to suggest itself, formed an easy and graceful head-dress.
-- CHAPTER 36As the single gentleman after some weeks' occupation of his lodgings, still declined to correspond, by word or gesture, either with Mr Brass or his sister Sally, but invariably chose Richard Swiveller as his channel of communication; and as he proved himself in all respects a highly desirable inmate, paying for everything beforehand, giving very little trouble, making no noise, and keeping early hours; Mr Richard imperceptibly rose to an important position in the family, as one who had influence over this mysterious lodger, and could negotiate with him, for good or evil, when nobody else durst approach his person.
-- The single gentleman was inexorable; and whenever he had exhausted all other modes and fashions of restlessness, it invariably occurred to him that Kit's mother wanted brandy and water.
-- He scarcely held to the traditions of the sixties, and if he ever deviated from strict impartiality, it was invariably in favor of liberality.
-- Skovorodnikoff, who was sitting opposite Wolf, continually gathering with his thick fingers his beard and mustache into his mouth, as soon as B脙漏 was through with his argument, stopped chewing his beard, and, in a loud, rasping voice, said that although the president of the stock company was a villain, he should favor a reversal if there were legal grounds to sustain it, but as there were none, he joined in the opinion of Ivan Semenovitch (B脙漏), and he invariably rejoiced at this shot aimed at Wolf.
-- The second class consisted of people convicted for offenses committed under exceptional circumstances, such as anger, jealousy, drunkenness, etc.--offenses which, under similar circumstances, would almost invariably have been committed by all those who judged and punished them.
-- As to the temperature of the lower strata, the thermometer invariably indicated 4脗掳 above zero.
-- Again the man-servant who invariably disappeared between the hours of ten and twelve at night came in silently and inscrutably with tea, bending in a slow, strange, leopard-like fashion to put the tray softly on the table.
-- And invariably he answered:"Yes, I think I'm a little better, pet."