indignation是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 愤怒, 愤慨,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Carried to an extreme, the measures seemed at once to be so absurd that the highest authorities, and public opinion, and intellectual ladies, and the newspapers, all at the same time fell foul of them, expressing their indignation both with the measures and their nominal father, Alexey Alexandrovitch.
-- And being jealous of him, Anna was indignant against him and found grounds for indignation in everything.
-- The massacre of men who were fellow Christians, and of the same Slavonic race, excited sympathy for the sufferers and indignation against the oppressors.
-- With modest indignation she refused to be examined, and as he went away she could be heard weeping at the insult, while the preacher cursed him from the doorstep.
-- IV At the pier in Brooklyn, to the astonishment and slight indignation of Miss Gwilliam, Mr. S. Sanborn Hibble, and Mrs. Dawson, Martin was greeted by reporters who agreeably though vaguely desired to know what were these remarkable things he had been doing to some disease or other, in some island some place.
-- But the rapture of being allowed to work twenty- four hours a day without leaving an experiment at its juiciest moment to creep home for dinner, of plunging with Terry into arguments as cryptic as theology and furious as the indignation of a drunken man, carried him along, and he felt himself growing sinewy.
-- Afterwards he saw her lower lip quiver with indignation at her brother's inso-lent, cruel and ungrateful words and his fate was sealed.
-- He gazed at that pale, thin, irregular, angular little face, those soft blue eyes, which could flash with such fire, such stern energy, that little body still shak-ing with indignation and anger and it all seemed to him more and more strange, almost impossible.
-- Thinking it all over now and preparing for a fresh conflict, he was suddenly aware that he was trembling and he felt a rush of indignation at the thought that he was trembling with fear at facing that hateful Porfiry Petrovitch.
-- His indignation was such that he ceased trembling at once; he made ready to go in with a cold and arrogant bearing and vowed to himself to keep as silent as possible, to watch and listen and for once at least to control his overstrained nerves.
-- Yes, I understand your state of mind at that time 芒聙娄 but you'll drive yourself mad like that, upon my word!You'll lose your head!You're full of generous indignation at the wrongs you've received, first from destiny, and then from the police officers, and so you rush from one thing to another to force them to speak out and make an end of it all, because you are sick of all this suspicion and foolishness.
-- I have understood that it was, to the last, her proudestboast, that she never had been on the water in her life, except upona bridge; and that over her tea (to which she was extremely partial)she, to the last, expressed her indignation at the impi-ety ofmariners and others, who had the presumption to go 'meandering'about the world.
-- I recollect being very much surprised by thefeint everybody made, then, of not having been to sleep at all, andby the uncommon indignation with which every one repelled thecharge.
-- Ecstasy!What are my agony and indignation next day, when I heara flying rumour that the Misses Nettingall have stood MissShepherd in the stocks for turning in her toes!
-- I don't think I had any definite ideawhere Dora came from or in what degree she was related to ahigher order of beings; but I am quite sure I should have scoutedthe notion of her being simply human, like any other young lady,with indignation and contempt.
-- A murmur, partly of gratification at Twenty Seven'scelestial state of mind, and partly of indignation against thecontractor who had given him any cause of complaint (a note ofwhich was immediately made by Mr. Creakle), having subsided,Twenty Seven stood in the midst of us, as if he felt himself theprincipal object of merit in a highly meritorious museum.
-- In the few minutes' conversation which she had yet had with him, while Harriet had been partially insensible, he had spoken of her terror, her naivete, her fervour as she seized and clung to his arm, with a sensibility amused and delighted; and just at last, after Harriet's own account had been given, he had expressed his indignation at the abomi-nable folly of Miss Bickerton in the warmest terms.
-- With great indignation did he continue to observe him; with great alarm and distrust, to observe also his two blind-ed companions.
-- Its effect upon her appears in the immediate resolution it produced: as soon as she found I was really gone from Randalls, she closed with the offer of that officious Mrs. Elton; the whole system of whose treat-ment of her, by the bye, has ever filled me with indignation and hatred.
-- Joseph perceived it, and with hectic cheeks of indignation instantly ceased singing.
-- The first was merely to keep Troy away from Weatherbury till Boldwood's indignation had cooled; the second to listen to Oak's entreaties, and Boldwood's denunciations, and give up Troy altogether.
-- A flash of indignation might have been seen in Bathsheba's dark eyes as she looked resolutely ahead after this reply.
-- A murmur of approbation followed Elizabeth's simple and powerful appeal, but it was excited by her generous 94 Frankensteininterference, and not in favour of poor Justine, on whom the public indignation was turned with renewed violence, charging her with the blackest ingratitude.
-- 'Felix had accidentally been present at the trial; his horror and indignation were uncontrollable when he heard the de-cision of the court.