discharge是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. /n. 卸货; 排出(液体, 气体) ; 开(炮等) ; 释放; 偿付,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- It was on this side that, at the time when the mountain was in a state of eruption, the discharge had worn away a passage, and a large heap of lava had spread to the narrow jaw which formed the northeastern gulf.
-- It might have been supposed that the discharge of water was at this place, for the extremity of the lake was almost on a level with the edge of the plateau.
-- The engineer was much surprised at not seeing any indication of the discharge of water.
-- "There," said he, rising, "is the discharge of the water; there, doubtless, by a passage in the granite cliff, it joins the sea, through cavities which we can use to our profit.
-- The level of the lake would, no doubt, be somewhat lowered by this fresh discharge of its waters, but Cyrus Harding had ascertained that the volume of water in the Red Creek was considerable enough to allow of the execution of this project.
-- He would follow her up and down, waiting till she should tire and lean upon his arm he would sit opposite to her in the chimney-corner, content to watch, and look, until she raised her head and smiled upon him as of old he would discharge by stealth, those household duties which tasked her powers too heavily he would rise, in the cold dark nights, to listen to her breathing in her sleep, and sometimes crouch for hours by her bedside only to touch her hand.
-- The small servant, who was not so well acquainted with theatrical conventionalities as Mr Swiveller (having indeed never seen a play, or heard one spoken of, except by chance through chinks of doors and in other forbidden places), was rather alarmed by demonstrations so novel in their nature, and showed her concern so plainly in her looks, that Mr Swiveller felt it necessary to discharge his brigand manner for one more suitable to private life, as he asked,'Do they often go where glory waits 'em, and leave you here?'
-- There an't a discharge in it.'
-- 'Then now you may discharge him,' said Quilp.
-- 'Discharge Mr Richard, sir?'
-- What will they say, then, if the court should discharge them?
-- "I have been talking with auntie, dear, and we thought that they might discharge you at once.
-- And we thought they would discharge you.
-- "I succeeded in obtaining the discharge of an insolent debtor who was incarcerated on flimsy accusations of fraud, and now they all run after me.
-- In his closing words the justiciary, contrary to the positive requirements of section 1, chapter 801 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, failed to explain to the jury of what legal elements the theory of guilt consisted; nor did he tell them that if they found that Maslova gave the poison to Smelkoff, but without intent to kill, they had the power to discharge her.'
-- At that instant the whoop was given, and a dozen Hurons fell by a discharge from Chingachgook and his band.