attendant是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 服务员; 仆人,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Dr. James Mortimer, the friend and medical attendant of the deceased, has given evidence to the same effect.
-- The Trojans would now have been worsted by the brave Achaeans and driven back to Ilius through their own cow-ardice, while the Argives, so great was their courage and endurance, would have achieved a triumph even against the will of Jove, if Apollo had not roused Aeneas, in the likeness of Periphas son of Epytus, an attendant who had grown old in the service of Aeneas' aged father, and was at all times devoted to him.
-- An attendant placed his staff in his hands and bade the Argives keep silence: the hero then addressed them.
-- As he spoke he laid his hand on the old man's right wrist, in token that he should have no fear; thus then did Pri-am and his attendant sleep there in the forecourt, full of thought, while Achilles lay in an inner room of the house, with fair Briseis by his side.
-- I bargained to take a man and his attendant to and from Arica, and bring back some animals.
-- Then, again, in his personal attendant there was a bizarre quality which had impressed me profoundly.
-- Yet surely, and especially to another scientific man, there was nothing so horrible in vivisection as to account for this secrecy; and by some odd leap in my thoughts the pointed ears and luminous eyes of Montgomery's attendant came back again before me with the sharpest definition.
-- Once, as I went running headlong up the beach, I glanced over my shoulder and saw his attendant with him.
-- Uncas acted as attendant to the females, performing all the little offices within his power, with a mixture of dignity and anxious grace, that served to amuse Heyward, who well knew that it was an utter inno-vation on the Indian customs, which forbid their warriors to descend to any menial employment, especially in favor of their women.
-- said the scout, tear-ing two rifles, with all their attendant accouterments, from beneath a bush, and flourishing 'killdeer' as he handed Un-cas his weapon; 'two, at least, will find it to their deaths.'
-- This was soon done, and he handed it over to Mr Codlin with that creamy froth upon the surface which is one of the happy circumstances attendant on mulled malt.
-- Besides becoming in a short time a perfect marvel in all stable matters, Kit soon made himself a very tolerable gardener, a handy fellow within doors, and an indispensable attendant on Mr Abel, who every day gave him some new proof of his confidence and approbation.
-- The child sat silently beneath a tree, hushed in her very breath by the stillness of the night, and all its attendant wonders.
-- With the view, no doubt, of testing the reality of his position, Mr Brass pushed his tumbler as he spoke towards Mrs Jiniwin for the purpose of being replenished; and turned towards the attendant mariners.
-- In the height of his boisterous merriment, Mr Quilp, having on some pretence dismissed his attendant sprite for the moment, resumed his usual manner all at once, dismounted from his cask, and laid his hand upon the lawyer's sleeve.
-- In addition to the pain and delay attendant on a broken limb, his exposure to the wet and cold had brought on fever and ague: which hung about him for many weeks, and reduced him sadly.
-- The vague and un-settled suspicions which uncertainty had produced of what Mr. Darcy might have been doing to forward her sister's match, which she had feared to encourage as an exertion of goodness too great to be probable, and at the same time dreaded to be just, from the pain of obligation, were proved beyond their greatest extent to be true!He had followed them purposely to town, he had taken on himself all the trouble and mortification attendant on such a research; in which supplication had been necessary to a woman whom he must abominate and despise, and where he was reduced to meet, frequently meet, reason with, persuade, and finally bribe, the man whom he always most wished to avoid, and whose very name it was punishment to him to pronounce.
-- He promised to call again in the course of three or four hours, and left both the patient and her anxious attendant more composed than he had found them.