straight是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 直的; 整齐的, 端正的ad. 直接; 正直, 直率,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The re-sult was that he shot up straight into the air for four or five feet, landing almost where he left ground.
-- He worked his way desperately, inch by inch, straight for the reservoirs, halting in silence.
-- From that height you could see across the tops of the trees down to the plain below; but what Mowgli looked at was the sides of the ravine, and he saw with a great deal of satisfaction that they ran nearly straight up and down, while the vines and creepers that hung over them would give no foothold to a tiger who want-ed to get out.
-- Shere Khan heard the thunder of their hoofs, picked himself up, and lumbered down the ravine, looking from side to side for some way of escape, but the walls of the ravine were straight and he had to hold on, heavy with his dinner and his drink, willing to do anything rather than fight.
-- Sea Catch knew that, and every spring would swim from whatever place he happened to be in would swim like a torpedo-boat straight for Novastoshnah and spend a month fighting with his companions for a good place on the rocks, as close to the sea as possible.
-- In a few moments a colt was seen gliding, like a fallow deer, among the straight trunks of the pines; and, in anoth-er instant, the person of the ungainly man, described in the preceding chapter, came into view, with as much rapidity as he could excite his meager beast to endure without coming to an open rupture.
-- Their anx-ious and eager looks were baffled by the deceptive light, or rested only on naked rocks, and straight and immovable trees.
-- They were now in a straight and long gallery, in a chasm of the rocks, where retreat without encountering the animal was impossible.
-- 'Ay, lad, there is truth in what you say; and I doubt not, on a rush, you would pass the whole nation; and, in a straight race of two miles, would be in, and get your breath again, afore a knave of them all was within hearing of the other village.
-- Without looking to the right or left to notice the scene of rural wealth, on which he had so of-ten gloated, he went straight to the stable, and with several hearty cuffs and kicks roused his steed most uncourteous-ly from the comfortable quarters in which he was soundly sleeping, dreaming of mountains of corn and oats, and whole valleys of timothy and clover.
-- The green curtains with their peacock design, hung in straight lines, and the green carpet, in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees, suggested the influence of William Morris.
-- But one evening when I was passing along the Avenue de Clichy in front of the cafe which Strickland frequented and which I now avoided, I ran straight into him.
-- And do you know, I walked straight there, and when I saw it, I recognised it at once."
-- How was it that his instinct had guided him straight to the Chimneys, which he did not know?
-- To follow a straight course was difficult.
-- The dog then left the beach, and guided b y his wonderful instinct, without showing the least hesitation, went straight in among the downs.
-- This time, the hunters, instead of following the course of the river, plunged straight into the heart of the forest.
-- It might even have been said that he did not observe the country at all, either in its configuration or in its natural productions, his great aim being to climb the mountain before him, and therefore straight towards it he went.
-- Such hair as he had was of a grizzled black, cut short and straight upon his temples, and hanging in a frowzy fringe about his ears.
-- inquired the dwarf, wheeling round and pointing straight at me.
-- But Mr Cheggs came not alone or unsupported, for he prudently brought along with him his sister, Miss Cheggs, who making straight to Miss Sophy and taking her by both hands, and kissing her on both cheeks, hoped in an audible whisper that they had not come too early.
-- Mr Swiviller looked with a supercilious smile at Mr Chegg's toes, then raised his eyes from them to his ankles, from that to his shin, from that to his knee, and so on very gradually, keeping up his right leg, until he reached his waistcoat, when he raised his eyes from button to button until he reached his chin, and travelling straight up the middle of his nose came at last to his eyes, when he said abruptly,'No, sir, I didn't.'
-- Ill-luck would have it, however, that, just then, the preacher, in a forcible exposition of one head of his discourse, leaned over upon the pulpit-desk so that very little more of him than his legs remained inside; and, while he made vehement gestures with his right hand, and held on with his left, stared, or seemed to stare, straight into little Jacob's eyes, threatening him by his strained look and attitude so it appeared to the child that if he so much as moved a muscle, he, the preacher, would be literally, and not figuratively, 'down upon him' that instant.
-- Maslova, still looking straight at the justiciary, was silent.