
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:42


fervent是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 热情的, 热烈的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Could you tell her so for me, with my fervent acknowledgments?'

-- 'It is a tone of fervent admiration, true homage, and deep love, Doctor Manette!'

-- That night it was the fourteenth of August he sat up late, and wrote two fervent letters; one was to Lucie, ex-plaining the strong obligation he was under to go to Paris, and showing her, at length, the reasons that he had, for feel-ing confident that he could become involved in no personal danger there; the other was to the Doctor, confiding Lucie and their dear child to his care, and dwelling on the same topics with the strongest assurances.

-- His manner was so fervent and inspiring, that Mr. Lorry caught the flame, and was as quick as youth.

-- 513 The Vengeance and Jacques Three vied with each other in their fervent protestations that she was the most admira-ble and marvellous of witnesses.



-- These were fervent Brahmins, the bitterest foes of Buddhism, their deities being Vishnu, the solar god, Shiva, the divine impersonation of natural forces, and Brahma, the supreme ruler of priests and legislators.



-- At the final leave-taking he smiled strangely at his sister's and Razumihin's fervent anticipations of their happy future together when he should come out of prison.



-- And it is not so much the embrace she gave me, that lives in mymind, though it was as fervent as could be, as what followed theembrace.

-- There was such deep fondness for him, andgratitude to him for all his love and care, in her beautiful look; andthere was such a fervent appeal to me to deal tenderly by him,even in my inmost thoughts, and to let no harsh construction findany place against him; she was, at once, so proud of him anddevoted to him, yet so compassionate and sorry, and so reliantupon me to be so, too; that nothing she could have said would haveexpressed more to me, or moved me more.

-- I noticed, Iremember, as he paused, looking at me with his handsome head alittle thrown back, and his glass raised in his hand, that though the 396freshness of the sea-wind was on his face, and it was ruddy, therewere traces in it, made since I last saw it, as if he had appliedhimself to some habitual strain of the fervent energy which, whenroused, was so passionately roused within him.

-- What could I do but invoke a silentblessing on Miss Mills's head, and store Miss Mills's address in thesecurest corner of my memory!What could I do but tell Miss Mills,with grateful looks and fervent words, how much I appreciated hergood offices, and what an inestimable value I set upon herfriendship!

-- My letter to Agnes was a fervent and grateful one, narrating all thegood effects that had resulted from my following her advice.



-- Inspir-ited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid.

-- I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature.



-- He left home with his mother's hasty kiss on his cheek and her fervent Catholic blessing in his ears, and hisfather's parting admonition, "Remember who ye are and don't be taking nothing off no man."



-- She looked up at it while she spoke, as if it were the fervent purpose of her own heart shining above her.

-- She stood in the shadow so that she was only a veiled form to Little Dorrit in the light; but the sound of her voice, in saying those three grateful words, was at once fervent and broken broken by emotion as unfamiliar to her frozen eyes as action to her frozen limbs.



-- The clocks were striking midnight and the rooms were very still as a figure glided quietly from bed to bed, smooth-ing a coverlet here, settling a pillow there, and pausing to look long and tenderly at each unconscious face, to kiss each with lips that mutely blessed, and to pray the fervent prayers which only mothers utter.

-- Seeing this did more for Jo than the wisest sermons, the saintliest hymns, the most fervent prayers that any voice could utter.



-- Further on, from the bright red windows of the "Sword-Fish Inn," there came such fervent rays, that it seemed to have melted the packed snow and ice from before the house, for everywhere else the congealed frost lay ten inches thick in a hard, asphaltic pavement, rather weary for me, when I struck my foot against the flinty projections, because from hard, remorseless service the soles of my boots were in a most miserable plight.



-- If fervent prayers, gushing from hearts overcharged with gratitude, be heard in heaven--and if they be not, what prayers are!--the blessings which the orphan child called down upon them, sunk into their souls, diffusing peace and happiness.

-- With the purest and most amiable generosity on one side; and the truest, warmest, soul-felt gratitude on the other; it is no wonder that, by the end of that short time, Oliver Twist had become completely domesticated with the old lady and her niece, and that the fervent attachment of his young and sensitive heart, was repaid by their pride in, and attachment to, himself.



-- Hers, for me, was, I believe, fervent as the attachment of your sister to Mr. Willoughby and it was, though from a different cause, no less unfortunate.

-- She thanked him with brief, though fervent gratitude, and while he went to hurry off his servant with a message to Mr. Harris, and an order for post-horses directly, she wrote a few lines to her mother.



