
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:42


lost是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为adj. 失去的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Very often the chief ministers themselves are -commanded to show their skill, and to convince the emperor that they have not lost their faculty.

-- It seems, upon my first reaching the shore after our shipwreck, I was in such con-fusion, that before I came to the place where I went to sleep, my hat, which I had fastened with a string to my head while I was rowing, and had stuck on all the time I was swimming, fell off after I came to land; the string, as I conjecture, break-ing by some accident, which I never observed, but thought my hat had been lost at sea.

-- The people so highly 52 Gulliver's Travelsresented this law, that our histories tell us, there have been six rebellions raised on that account; wherein one emperor lost his life, and another his crown.

-- Now, the Big-endian exiles have found so much credit in the emperor of Blefuscu's court, and so much private assistance and encouragement from their party here at home, that a bloody war has been car-ried on between the two empires for six-and-thirty moons, with various success; during which time we have lost forty capital ships, and a much a greater number of smaller ves-sels, together with thirty thousand of our best seamen and 53soldiers; and the damage received by the enemy is reckoned to be somewhat greater than ours.



-- The Sleary philosophy was propounded as they went downstairs and the fixed eye of Philosophy and its rolling eye, too soon lost the three figures and the basket in the darkness of the street.

-- The better class of minds, however, did not need to be informed that the Powlers were an ancient stock, who could trace themselves so exceedingly far back that it was not surprising if they sometimes lost themselves which they had rather frequently done, as respected horse-flesh, blind-hookey, Hebrew monetary transactions, and the Insolvent Debtors' Court.

-- The expression was not lost upon her; she laid her hand lightly on his arm a moment as if to thank him for it.

-- When she was lost to his view, he pursued his homeward way, glancing up sometimes at the sky, where the clouds were sailing fast and wildly.

-- He had been at his loom full half an hour, thinking about this old woman, when, having occasion to move round the loom for its adjustment, he glanced through a window which was in his corner, and saw her still looking up at the pile of building, lost in admiration.



-- It read as follows: mmessunkaSenrA.icefdoK.segnittamurtn ecertserrette,rotaivsadua,ednecsedsadne lacartniiilrJsiratracSarbmutabiledmek meretarcsilucoYsleffenSnI. I could scarcely keep from laughing, while my uncle, on the contrary, got in a towering passion, struck the table with his fist, darted out of the room, out of the house, and then taking to his heels was presently lost to sight.

-- Worse, he would compel me to accompany him, and we should be lost forever.

-- My uncle, to his great disgust, was unable even to crawl on deck, so heavy a sea was on, and thus lost the first view of the Land of Promise.

-- The rugged summits of the rocky hills were dimly visible on the edge of the horizon, through the misty fogs; every now and then some heavy flakes of snow showed conspicuous in the morning light, while certain lofty and pointed rocks were first lost in the grey low clouds, their summits clearly visible above, like jagged reefs rising from a troublous sea.

-- If a road does really present itself by which to descend into the dark and subterraneous bowels of Mother Earth, if this thrice unhappy Saknussemm has really told the truth, we shall be most certainly lost in the midst of the labyrinth of subterraneous galleries of the volcano.



-- He had so very nearly lost his life, that what remained was wonderfully precious to him.

-- And afterwards looked rather as if they had lost a shilling and found sixpence.

-- But alone he was like a lost thing.

-- Vaguely she knew she was out of connexion: she had lost touch with the substantial and vital world.

-- And her belly had lost the fresh, round gleam it had had when she was young, in the days of her German boy, who really loved her physically.



-- This was not lost on the speaker.

-- 'What with my rheumatic affection, and what with its attendant debility or nervous weakness names are of no matter now I have lost the use of my limbs.

-- The furniture, at once spare and lumbering, hid in the rooms rather than furnished them, and there was no colour in all the house; such colour as had ever been there, had long ago started away on lost sunbeams got itself absorbed, perhaps, into flowers, butterflies, plumage of birds, precious stones, what not.

-- She lost sight of him for months afterwards, and only heard from him once.

-- He felt himself quite lost in wonder at the manner of the man, and that the probability of his daughter's having had a reserve as to her family history, should be so far out of his mind.











