
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:41


hold是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 拿着; 保有; 托住; 举行; 继续n. 握住; 船舱,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- They were always just going to have a leader, and laws and customs of their own, but they never did, because their memories would not hold over from day to day, and so they compro-mised things by making up a saying, 'What the Bandar-log think now the jungle will think later,' and that comforted them a great deal.

-- They hold some sort of coun-cil there over the boy.'

-- A scuffling mass of monkeys, biting, scratching, tearing, and pulling, closed over Bagheera, while five or six laid hold of Mowgli, dragged him up the wall of the sum-merhouse and pushed him through the hole of the broken dome.

-- Gray Brother, when we are gone, hold the cows together, and drive them into the foot of the ravine.'



-- 'But you are just a man, for an Indian; and as I suppose you hold their gifts, your fathers must have been brave warriors, and wise men at the council-fire.'

-- He is over young, too, to hold such rank, and to be put above men whose heads are beginning to bleach; and yet they say he is a soldier in his knowledge, and a gallant gentleman!'

-- 'Now, go you back,' said the hunter, speaking again to Heyward, 'and hold the imp in talk; these Mohicans here will take him without breaking his paint.'

-- 'I should be sorry to think they had, though this is a spot that stout courage might hold for a smart scrimmage.

-- A single armed man, at its entrance, would hold us at his mercy.'



-- He seized it by the pommel, and endeavored to hold it firm, but in vain; and had just time to save himself by clasping old Gunpow-der round the neck, when the saddle fell to the earth, and he heard it trampled under foot by his pursuer.



-- I don't know who this woman is who's got hold of him, but she's made him into another man.

-- But here was a man who sincerely did not mind what people thought of him, and so convention had no hold on him; he was like a wrestler whose body is oiled; you could not get a grip on him; it gave him a freedom which was an outrage.

-- He seems to me to be possessed by some power which is using him for its own ends, and in whose hold he is as helpless as a fly in a spider's web.

-- For three days I hadn't ...""For goodness sake, hold your tongue," she interrupted, tears of annoyance in her eyes.

-- As Stroeve told me this he became as excited as when the incident occurred, and he took hold of a dinner-knife on the table between us, and brandished it.



-- "Let us catch hold of the net, and into the sea with the car."

-- But the balloon will hold six " "That will be enough, we will go," answered Harding in a firm voice.

-- It had been impossible to hold him back.

-- Pencroft determined to get hold of at least one of these gallinaceae, which were as large as a fowl, and whose flesh is better than that of a pullet.

-- If there was game there this was not the time to discuss how it was to be cooked, but rather, how they were to get hold of it.



-- 'Hold your tongue,' said his friend.

-- Quilp, who was as strong as a lion, easily kept his hold until the boy was tugging at it with his utmost power, when he suddenly let it go and sent him reeling backwards, so that he fell violently upon his head.

-- Dear me!And so it comes to pass that I hold every security you could scrape together, and a bill of sale upon the upon the stock and property,' said Quilp standing up and looking about him, as if to assure himself that none of it had been taken away.

-- CHAPTER 11Quiet and solitude were destined to hold uninterrupted rule no longer, beneath the roof that sheltered the child.











