
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:41


lose是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 丢失, 迷路, 输掉, 亏本, 失败, 走慢, 使沉湎于,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- His legs must have become suddenly feeble and helpless, and he felt a chok-ing in his throat you know the sudden feeling one has in moments of terrible fear, when one does not lose one's wits, but is absolutely powerless to move?

-- Look at her tatters and rags the badge of those who lose their virtue.

-- It was generally agreed, afterwards, in recalling that eve-ning, that from this moment Nastasia Philipovna seemed entirely to lose her senses.

-- I wish to recompense you why should you lose all?



-- It would be better for me, should I lose you, to lie dead and buried, for I shall have nothing left to comfort me when you are gone, save only sorrow.

-- Sir, we are in the face of great disas-ter, and without your help know not whether we shall save our fleet or lose it.

-- Love him so well, and you may lose the love I bear you.

-- The others, therefore, with their heavy armour bore the brunt of the fight with the Tro-jans and with Hector, while the Locrians shot from behind, under their cover; and thus the Trojans began to lose heart, for the arrows threw them into confusion.

-- But the Achaeans did not lose it long, for Ajax, foremost of all the Danaans after the son of Peleus alike in stature and prowess, quickly rallied them and made to-wards the front like a wild boar upon the mountains when he stands at bay in the forest glades and routs the hounds and lusty youths that have attacked him even so did Ajax son of Telamon passing easily in among the phalanxes of the Trojans, disperse those who had bestridden Patroclus and were most bent on winning glory by dragging him off to their city.



-- I staggered on, my head reeling and my heart beating against my ribs, tired almost to death, and yet not daring to lose sight of the chase lest I should be left alone with this horrible companion.



-- They say too and it is true that man-eaters become mangy, and lose their teeth.

-- They bowed again, and Kotick began to lose his temper.



-- If you would save these tender blossoms from the fangs of the worst of serpents, gentle-man, you have neither time to lose nor resolution to throw away!'

-- The singers were dwelling on one of those low, dying chords, which the ear devours with such greedy rapture, as if conscious that it is about to lose them, when a cry, that seemed neither human nor earthly, rose in the outward air, penetrating not only the recesses of the cavern, but to the inmost hearts of all who heard it.

-- Then, did he not lose his path to blind the eyes of the Hurons?

-- Pages might yet be written to prove, from this illustrious example, the defects of human excellence; to show how easy it is for gen-erous sentiments, high courtesy, and chivalrous courage to lose their influence beneath the chilling blight of selfish-ness, and to exhibit to the world a man who was great in all the minor attributes of character, but who was found want-ing when it became necessary to prove how much principle is superior to policy.

-- A single broken bone might lose us our scalps.



-- As they stand they are like the figures in an old tapestry; they do not separate themselves from the background, and at a distance seem to lose their pattern, so that you have little but a pleasing piece of colour.

-- I tell you, my boy, lose no time; get married as soon as ever you can.

-- His father was a spare old man, his hands gnarled after the work of a lifetime, silent and upright; in the evening he read the paper aloud, while his wife and daughter (now married to the captain of a fishing smack), unwilling to lose a moment, bent over their sewing.

-- Like the charlatan who counterfeits a spiritual force he has sometimes felt, they lose the power they have abused.



-- The voyagers, after having discovered that the sea extended beneath them, and thinking the dangers above less dreadful than those below, did not hesitate to throw overboard even their most useful articles, while they endeavored to lose no more of that fluid, the life of their enterprise, which sustained them above the abyss.

-- Pencroft, lest they should lose themselves, resolved to follow the course of the stream, which would always lead them back to the point from which they started.

-- Herbert and Pencroft the one young and the other very boyish were enchanted, and while walking, the sailor said, "Hey, Herbert!how capital it sounds!It will be impossible to lose ourselves, my boy, since, whether we follow the way to Lake Grant, or whether we join the Mercy through the woods of the Far West, we shall be certain to arrive at Prospect Heights, and, consequently, at Union Bay!"










