advanced是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 超前的, 先进的; 高级的; 开明的; 前进的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- BOOK III hen the companies were thus arrayed, each under its Wown captain, the Trojans advanced as a flight of wild fowl or cranes that scream overhead when rain and win-ter drive them over the flowing waters of Oceanus to bring death and destruction on the Pygmies, and they wrangle in the air as they fly; but the Achaeans marched silently, in high heart, and minded to stand by one another.
-- When they reached the ranks of the Trojans and Achaeans they left the chariot, and with measured pace advanced into the space between the hosts.
-- While he was thus in two minds, the ranks of the Trojans advanced and hemmed him in, and bitterly did they come to rue it.
-- The Trojans advanced in a dense body, with Hector at their head pressing right on as a rock that comes thunder-ing down the side of some mountain from whose brow the winter torrents have torn it; the foundations of the dull thing have been loosened by floods of rain, and as it bounds headlong on its way it sets the whole forest in an uproar; it swerves neither to right nor left till it reaches level ground, but then for all its fury it can go no further even so eas-ily did Hector for a while seem as though he would career through the tents and ships of the Achaeans till he had reached the sea in his murderous course; but the closely ser-ried battalions stayed him when he reached them, for the sons of the Achaeans thrust at him with swords and spears pointed at both ends, and drove him from them so that he staggered and gave ground; thereon he shouted to the Tro-jans, 'Trojans, Lycians, and Dardanians, fighters in close combat, stand firm: the Achaeans have set themselves as a wall against me, but they will not check me for long; they will give ground before me if the mightiest of the gods, the thundering spouse of Juno, has indeed inspired my onset.'
-- He would have advanced to grasp it, but a touch arrested him, and a voice speaking quite close to him.
-- He hesitated and advanced with outstretched hand.
-- I advanced a step or two, looking steadfastly into his eyes.
-- I advanced a step.
-- Moreau, whip in hand, marshalled us all into an irregular line, and we ad-vanced now slowly, shouting to one another as we advanced and tightening the cordon about our victim.
-- I repeated my com-mand, with my heart in my mouth, and advanced upon them.
-- I advanced a step farther, stopped, and pulled out my re-volver.
-- Along this track the travelers, who had produced a surprise so un- usual in the depths of the forest, advanced slowly toward the hunter, who was in front of his associates, in readiness to receive them.
-- The manhood of Heyward felt no shame in dropping tears over this spectacle of affectionate rapture; and Uncas stood, fresh and blood-stained from the combat, a calm, and, appar-ently, an unmoved looker-on, it is true, but with eyes that had already lost their fierceness, and were beaming with a sympathy that elevated him far above the intelligence, and advanced him probably centuries before, the practises of his nation.
-- At that instant the thicket opened, and a tall and armed Hu-ron advanced a few paces into the open space.
-- Two little spotless flags were abroad, the one on a salient angle of the fort, and the other on the advanced battery of the besiegers; emblems of the truth which existed, not only to the acts, but it would seem, also, to the enmity of the combatants.
-- A slight exclamation of surprise even burst from the lips of the young man, but instantly, recollecting his errand, and the presence in which he stood, he suppressed every ap-pearance of emotion, and turned to the hostile leader, who had already advanced a step to receive him.
-- These trees still retained their verdure, notwithstanding the advanced season, for they belonged to the family of "coniferae," which is spread over all the regions of the globe, from northern climates to the tropics.
-- The two hunters now advanced among the long grass, following the bank.
-- Herbert and Pencroft speaking little, for the difficulties of the way were great, advanced very slowly, and after walking for an hour they had scarcely gone more than a mile.
-- The settlers, therefore, prudently advanced towards the north point, walking over ground riddled with little holes, which formed nests for the sea-birds.
-- The canoe, impelled by the two oars, advanced without difficulty.
-- When she had knocked twice or thrice there was a noise as if some person were moving inside, and at length a faint light appeared through the glass which, as it approached very slowly, the bearer having to make his way through a great many scattered articles, enabled me to see both what kind of person it was who advanced and what kind of place it was through which he came.
-- The child advanced timidly towards her brother and put her hand in his, the dwarf (if we may call him so) glanced keenly at all present, and the curiosity-dealer, who plainly had not expected his uncouth visitor, seemed disconcerted and embarrassed.
-- He collected the rents of whole colonies of filthy streets and alleys by the waterside, advanced money to the seamen and petty officers of merchant vessels, had a share in the ventures of divers mates of East Indiamen, smoked his smuggled cigars under the very nose of the Custom House, and made appointments on 'Change with men in glazed hats and round jackets pretty well every day.