drop是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 滴; 落下; 微量v. 落下; 下降; 失落,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "Yes; I have my coffee early," he answered, "but I don't mind having a drop of whisky."
-- "Yes; she hadn't a drop of white blood in her.
-- In her bower she was, but not alone, for besides the old lady her mother of whom mention has recently been made, there were present some half-dozen ladies of the neighborhood who had happened by a strange accident (and also by a little understanding among themselves) to drop in one after another, just about tea-time.
-- 'Come, you drop that stick or it'll be worse for you,' said his boy, dodging round him and watching an opportunity to rush in; 'you drop that stick.'
-- 'Come a little nearer, and I'll drop it on your skull, you dog,' said Quilp, with gleaming eyes; 'a little nearer nearer yet.'
-- Mr Swiveller pulled off his coat, and folded it up with great elaboration, staring at Miss Sally all the time; then put on a blue jacket with a double row of gilt buttons, which he had originally ordered for aquatic expeditions, but had brought with him that morning for office purposes; and, still keeping his eye upon her, suffered himself to drop down silently upon Mr Brass's stool.
-- 'You may as well drop the subject, Tom,' said Short.
-- "Don't drop your hand; hold it thus," he turned to a young man who let his hand fall--"'that in the case which----'" The portly, whiskered gentleman, the colonel, merchant and others held their hands as directed by the priest, and seemed to do so with particular pleasure, holding their hands quite high, and their fingers most proper; others seemed to do it against their will, and carelessly.
-- You will drop your fineries in Siberia!"
-- "Oh, for a drop of wine," she said to Korableva, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her shirt and sobbing from time to time.
-- You must drop that entirely," she said, with quivering lips, and became silent.
-- Listening to the nightingales and the frogs, Nekhludoff recalled the music of the inspector's daughter; and, thinking of that music, he recalled Maslova--how, like the croaking of a frog, her lips trembled when she said, "You must drop that."
-- I gave it a last tap, tried all the screws again, put one more drop of oil on the quartz rod, and sat myself in the saddle.
-- She said afterwards that she had never seen in all her life such a face as the King made, when he found himself held in the air by an invisible hand, and being dusted: he was far too much astonished to cry out, but his eyes and his mouth went on getting larger and larger, and rounder and rounder, till her hand shook so with laughing that she nearly let him drop upon the floor.
-- And now, if e'er by chance I putMy fingers into glueOr madly squeeze a right-hand footInto a left-hand shoe,Or if I drop upon my toeA very heavy weight,I weep, for it reminds me so,Of that old man I used to know Whose look was mild, whose speech was slow,Whose hair was whiter than the snow,Whose face was very like a crow,With eyes, like cinders, all aglow,Who seemed distracted with his woe,Who rocked his body to and fro,And muttered mumblingly and low,As if his mouth were full of dough,Who snorted like a buffalo That summer evening, long ago,A-sitting on a gate.'
-- "I can't keep 'em still, not I. I haven't had a drop this blessed day.
-- You give us the chart to get the treasure by, and drop shooting poor seamen and stoving of their heads in while asleep.
-- Nor was that all, for crawling together on flat tables of rock or letting themselves drop into the sea with loud reports I beheld huge slimy monsters soft snails, as it were, of incredible bigness two or three score of them together, making the rocks to echo with their barkings.
-- It seemed shallow enough, and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security, I let myself drop softly overboard.
-- Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop, put his gun to his shoulder, and after some moments drop it and walk on.
-- Then, as specimens of other kinds, some ovoides, resembling an egg of a dark brown colour, marked with white bands, and without tails; diodons, real sea-porcupines, furnished with spikes, and capable of swelling in such a way as to look like cushions bristling with darts; hippocampi, common to every ocean; some pegasi with lengthened snouts, which their pectoral fins, being much elongated and formed in the shape of wings, allow, if not to fly, at least to shoot into the air; pigeon spatulae, with tails covered with many rings of shell; macrognathi with long jaws, an excellent fish, nine inches long, and bright with most agreeable colours; pale-coloured calliomores, with rugged heads; and plenty of chaetpdons, with long and tubular muzzles, which kill insects by shooting them, as from an air-gun, with a single drop of water.
-- "My worthy Ned," I answered, "to the poet, a pearl is a tear of the sea; to the Orientals, it is a drop of dew solidified; to the ladies, it is a jewel of an oblong shape, of a brilliancy of mother-of-pearl substance, which they wear on their fingers, their necks, or their ears; for the chemist it is a mixture of phosphate and carbonate of lime, with a little gelatine; and lastly, for naturalists, it is simply a morbid secretion of the organ that produces the mother-of-pearl amongst certain bivalves."
-- Instead of using it, they had kept it for me, and, while they were being suffocated, they gave me life, drop by drop.
-- "Brandy," she said, sipping her last drop and putting down the glass.