

  IB课程全称为国际预科证书课程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,简称IB课程),是由国际文凭组织为高中生设计的为期两年的课程。



 1 The realm of physics

State and compare quantities to the nearest order of magnitude.
State the ranges of magnitude of distances, masses and times thatoccur in the universe, from smallest to greatest
Distances: from 10–15 m to 10+25 m (sub-nuclearparticles to extent of the visible universe).
Masses: from 10–30 kg to 10+50 kg (electron to mass ofthe universe).
Times: from 10–23 s to 10+18 s (passage of light across a nucleus to the age of the universe).
Aim 7: There are some excellent simulations to illustrate this.
TOK: This is a very stimulating area for a discussion of ways of knowing State ratios of quantities as differences of orders of magnitude
For example, the ratio of the diameter of the hydrogen atom to its nucleus is about 105, or a difference of five orders of magnitude
Estimate approximate values of everyday quantities to one or two  significant figures and/or to the nearest order of magnitude.
1.2 Measurement and uncertainties
The SI system of fundamental and derived units State the fundamental units in the SI system.
Students need to know the following: kilogram,metre, second, ampere, mole and kelvin.
