下面介绍的是AP化学容错率,参照aphaven.com(分数预测网站)的标准,结合历年的curve,为大家整理出了AP化学容错比例,简单来说就是你考到多少分(或百分之多少)才能得3分,4分或5分。文章中,/ 前为该标准分所需最低原始分,/后为原始总分,括号内为标准分,百分比指的是取得5分所需要答对的分数比例。每年不同,范围大致相同。提前预祝大家都能考到理想的分数!
AP Calculus (both AB and BC)(猫叔注:目前所有AP科目答错选择都不倒扣分)
[MC correct - 1/4(MC wrong)]*1.2 = MC score; max 54
6 FR questions, each out of 9 = FR score; max 54
~70-108 = 5
~55-69 = 4
~40-54 = 3
~25-39 = 2
0-24 = 1
AP Physics B
[MC correct - 1/4(MC wrong)]*1.2857 = MC Score
4 FR out of 15
2 FR out of 10
Total points from FR * 1.1250 = FR Score
115-180 = 5
91-114 = 4
63-90 = 3
49-62 = 2
0-48 = 1
AP Physics C:
1.2857*(multiple choice score out of 35) + free response score out of 45 (3 questions worth 15 points each)
1998 Mechanics:
5 55-90
4 43-54
3 32-42
2 21-31
1 0-20
1998 E&M:
5 49-90
4 35-48
3 26-34
2 15-25
1 0-14
AP Chem
is rather unstable
normally 65-75% is a 5.