



  样题如下“In 1739 arrived among us from Ireland that Reverend Mr.[George]

  Whitefield, who has made himself remarkable there as an itinerant preacher.

  He was at first permitted to preach in some of our churches; but the clergy

  taking a dislike to him, soon refused him their pulpits and he was obliged

  to preach in the fields. The multitudes of all sects and denominations

  that attended his sermons were enormous…It was wonderful to see the

  change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants. From being thoughtless

  or indifferent about religion, it seemed as if all the world were growing religious,

  so that one could not walk thro’ the town in an evening without hearing

  psalms sung in different families of every street.” Benjamin Franklin,

  The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin



  (1) Whitefield’s impact suggests that religious culture among

  British North American colonists in the 1700s was most directly shaped by

  (A)Roman Catholic influences

  (B)interest in commerce and business


  (C)trans-Atlantic exchanges

  (D)reliance on agriculture


  AP美国历史真题(2) Whitefield’s open-air preaching contributed most directly to

  which of the following trends?

  (A)The growth of the ideology of republican

  (B)Greater independence and diversity of thought

  (C)Movement of settlers to the backcountry

  (D)The pursuit of social reform

  分析:从文中看出当时Whitefield的演讲收到当局的地址是因为他的思想与统治阶级的宗教思想不一致,但他的布道受到大众欢迎,说明殖民者更多希望宗教自由和宗教多样性。这道题明显是可以根据当时的历史背景选择B选项。这是考到了Historical Causation的能力。

  AP美国历史真题(3) The preaching described in the excerpt is an example of which

  of the following development in the 1700s?

  (A)The development of an idea of republican self-government

  (B)The emergence of calls for the abolition of slavery

  (C)The increased influence of the Enlightenment

  (D)The expansion of Protestant evangelism

  分析:Whitefield的布道只是精神层面;这个时期废奴主义还没有流行;Enlightenment主要是指17世纪科学革命及洛克和牛顿的思想对人民的影响,更强调理智是一切知识和人类事物的指针。而这一段文字还是在谈宗教。所以最后一个选项在谈:Whitefield的布道在宗教传播福音,它是一种历史学家称作的The Great Awakening,这是正确选项。


  1. The Official SAT Subject Tests in U.S.History & World History Study Guide这本书就是College Board官方出版的,专门给大家讲述美国历史和世界历史的准备方式的教材,这本书的最大卖点,就是官方,相信大家很多人都在书店里看到过这本书,里面的真题数量并不是特别多,但是好在能够给大家一个机会,看看真考的题目的难度到底是怎么样的,所以请大家好好利用,不要浪费

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