I first stepped into the gates of TFLS when Iwas 12. Compared to my primary school, this school was so big and full ofadventure. I wasn’t sure when I decided that I wanted toattend this school, it might have started when I heard the school was differentfrom other high schools around the city, it gave students less pressure uponclasses. My teenage years were spent in this school. Compared to many otherhigh schools in the city, I like to think that I had a lot of spare time tofind myself as a person. While other students from other schools were busyattending after school classes I had the time to do whatever I wanted after Igot home at around 6. As I sit here now on my sofa writing this, I remember allthat has happened within these six years of both my teenage and TFLS life.
I have alwaysbelieved the AP Centre to be my other home. Here I felt welcome and safe. Thepeople in the building are all my family, with them I can be myself. I amblessed to be here, where I’ve met people from around the country,around the globe. With people from around the world and different kinds oftalents in the building days are never boring. There’s riding,basketball, calligraphy, singing and laughter everywhere you go.
My time hereat the AP Centre can be rounded up in three chapters: classes, activities, andapplying for school.
Classes varyin many subjects. Students are free to choses classes that they are mostinterested in. I for example always found English literature and humanitiesfascinating, therefore in my second year I studied AP Human Geography. Luckilyfor me, my teacher was also my English teacher, with him I was able to learn alot. Intrigued with literature, I pushed further and took an AP English exam.This is the main reason why studying at the AP Centre is special. There is nolimit, have faith in yourself, and you’ll be able to do anything. Don’tbe afraid to try, being afraid means that you’re about to dosomething amazing, so go for it! The second reason why I had so much fun hereis because the classes were never about reading and homework. Classes were fun,the lessons varied with drama and experiments. In addition to this, this year Iwas lucky enough to attend Drama & Debate as well as Journalism. Becreative, it’s so much fun!
Activitiesare endless here at the AP Centre. You get to choose activities based on yourinterests. From Model United Nations with the rest of the students at TFLS toclubs started by students at the AP Centre, everyone can find something bothrelaxing and interesting to do. Apart from activities at school, there are alsomany competitions for you if you want to be involved in something moreacademic. I was lucky enough to attend many debate competitions in Beijing withmy partners Gray and Tony. During this time I felt more confident to speak upand my critical thinking improved a lot. Never be afraid to say what you’rethinking, in most cases there is no right or wrong answer. If you feel likeimproving your oral English and reasearch skills at the same time in a fun way,join debate! Challenge yourself, there’s no limit to what you are doing.
With TOEFLexams, SAT exams, AP exams and the pressure of having a good grade in classes,sometimes things starts to get confusing. This is when you need someone to talkto or someone to help you feel a bit more organised. The councillors have neverturned their backs on us in any occasion. They helped me so much when I wasapplying to universities. When I said I wanted to apply to schools in England,they helped me find the requirements of many schools. When I was applying toschools in America, they helped me make sure that I had everything I needed toapply. My application information were all double- checked before I applied tomy schools in Canada. They made sure I did everything right before I applied.With them I felt so safe. At the same time, they encouraged me to always trydoing things myself. This helped me so much, I learnt to gather importantinformation, I grew more focused and organised.
All in all,my years here at the AP Centre have been enchanting. For all those alreadyhere, good luck in your studies, you can do it! Never underestimate yourself,never let others tell you who you are. You are unique, never change that. Forthose who will be joining the AP Centre in September, welcome to a place whereyou can call your home. Your three years here will be educational but at thesame time very educational. Remember your dream schools and keep them at heart.Aim for it. Have fun while doing your best! Best of luck to all of you.