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  AP Physics/Chemistry/Computer备考教材免费下载啦!

  1:university physics

  Refining the most widely adopted and enduring physics text available, University Physics with Modern Physics, Twelfth Edition continues an unmatched history of innovation and careful execution that was established by the best selling Eleventh Edition. Assimilating the best ideas from education research, this new edition provides enhanced problem-solving instruction, pioneering visual and conceptual pedagogy, the first systematically enhanced problems, and the most pedagogically proven and widely used homework and tutorial system available. Mechanics, Waves/Acoustics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Modern Physics. For all readers interested in university physics.

  2:Chemistry: The Central Science (12th Edition) Brown


  Trusted, innovative, and calibrated, Chemistry: The Central Science 12th edition by Brown has helped millions of students understand and succeed in general chemistry. Chemistry: The Central Science's unrivaled problems, scientific accuracy, and clarity are maintained in this new 12th edition, which is the book's biggest revision to date. In the Twelfth Edition, every word and piece of art has been studied for effectiveness. Based on feedback from students like you, this revision reflects the unparalleled expertise of its author team; each chapter has been updated and streamlined to remove any content not proven to increase student comprehension. Joined in this edition by new co-author Patrick Woodward, the books solid authorship gains a fresh, new perspective yet maintains its unified, consistent voice.

  3:Core Java《JAVA核心技术卷1:基础知识(原书第8版)》┊(美) 昊斯特曼[.PDF]

  If learning Java is a must for your career, and you cannot afford to waste weeksor even months reading tutorial books that lead you nowhere, this book is theone you need. The best-selling introduction to Java for experiencedprogrammers is back! Previous editions have been tremendously successfulbecause they were written for programmers looking for a fast-paced book. Theauthors retain the highly illustrative examples and crystal-clear explanations ofkey concepts. The seventh edition is fully updated for J2SE 1.5. Detailedcoverage of object-oriented design concepts; reflection and proxies; interfacesand inner classes; exception handling; and much more.

  以上整理的就是AP Physics/Chemistry/Computer备考教材免费下载,希望考生们可以认真学习。如果想了解最新AP考试资讯,请关注小马过河AP频道,关于本文有任何疑问,请和小马在线专家联系。


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