摘要:美国历史的重要性我该怎么说呢。就像数学是一切理科的基础,美国历史是必修之课必考之试,通过美国历史入门真正接触critical thinking和analysis。理科生也千万别怠慢美国历史,进加州理工的都是考过的。在美国的AP圈子有两个考试是公认的出了名的难就是物理C和美国历史。接下来看看历史到底怎么难考: 80题选择题,breakdown 如下 80题55分钟
美国历史的重要性我该怎么说呢。就像数学是一切理科的基础,美国历史是必修之课必考之试,通过美国历史入门真正接触critical thinking和analysis。理科生也千万别怠慢美国历史,进加州理工的都是考过的。在美国的AP圈子有两个考试是公认的出了名的难就是物理C和美国历史。接下来看看历史到底怎么难考:
80题选择题,breakdown 如下
80题55分钟答题,难度可想而知。Fact-based 问题必须得心应手否则时间不够。Analysis-based问题需要时间想。 collegeboard规定: 没有guessing penalty。这不是什么好消息因为这就说明题目会越来越难然后curve提高。比如以前70%5分,现在要80%5分。选择题还只是这整个考试中简单的,准备方法就是看书。
所谓DBQ就是document based question. 形式就是他们问一个看似笼统的问题,接着提供一系列的原始资料,各种各样的都有包括日记,报纸文章,地图,统计数据等等。你的任务就是用这些原始资料回答那个问题。有15分钟阅读资料和准备这篇文章,45分钟写。DBQ也许是整个考试里最难的部分主要是考学生的分析能力,记忆力和语言和资料运用能力。满分是9分但是极少数人可以做到。具体怎么写是门学问,我一时半会儿在这里是讲不清楚的,这是需要花时间训练的。大致来说学生需要在政治,社会,经济,外交方面有深究才写的出东西来。3页纸是基本,我见过4页半的。不是说写越多分越高,主要是观点要精辟,语言要清楚,思维要极具逻辑性。要知道读你文章的都是美国历史老师和教授。
FRQ就是 free response questions, 70分钟两篇。问2个问题,用文章形式回答。10分钟规划,60分钟写。这些问题就没有原始资料的提示所以也可以说比DBQ难。满分也是9。2页纸是基本,我见过3页的。不多说了,下面是25分钟写的8分文章,不能说是范文,但是凑合着还行。
Women served crucial roles in society throughout history. In the period from 1820 to 1850, American women started to cause influence over the society. Women affected both society and politics from 1820 to 1850.
Women made numerous social impacts among the American society. The Cult of True Womanhood glorified traditional function of the homemaker. Women became socially irreplaceable because they controlled the household. The society relied on women because they preserved social values. Domestic feminism also encouraged women’s influence socially. During the Industrial Revolution, men would go out for work and women would gradually take over the household. They believed that doing chores and educating children were morally uplifting. In the meantime, they influenced society by educating the children and deciding how many kids they wanted to have. Women felt more confident socially. Women also made social impact by participating in the Temperance Movement. Women protected social values by opposing excessive alcohol consumption by the men. Women preserved the social values and promoted democratic values as they were inspired by the Second Great Awakening. Catherine Beecher, as an example of women from the cult of true womanhood, promoted education and social values among children. Women taught their children at home therefore they had the ability to shape their point of view. They contributed to the society by providing literate and educated children. Dorothea Dix encouraged the protection of the mentally ill patients. She made effort to stabilize society and created positive contributions to the American society. 15 states established new hospitals and asylums as a result of Dix’s effort. She protected democratic value by treating everyone equally, preserving social value and fostering egalitarian values.
Women also played important roles in politics. During the Seneca Falls, women proposed Declaration of Sentiments, pushing the limits of social acceptance. Women became politically influential as they attracted attention of the American society. Women also participated in the highly radical Abolition Movement. Women like Lucy Stone made effort to abolition slavery. Though the effort was futile, women’s social status was changed due to their political involvement. As Oberlin College started to accept women and blacks, women had the opportunity to be exposed to the foremost political frontiers. These educated women would carry on what they believed in and make political influence. They gradually started to fight for what they deserved (ie, suffrage) as part of the egalitarian value in the letter on the condition of women and the equality of sexes (1837). Grimke sisters participated in the women’s rights movement. Women started to make political difference for their increasing participation in the government. Harriet Beecher Stow’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin made a huge political influence as it promoted the antislavery movement and opposed the Fugitive Slave Law. Women’s work was influencing the political ideology.