
The birth of a star 恒星的诞生

Stars form in huge clouds of dust and gas called nebulae.

最初的最初呢,他们是一团叫作 nebula(星云)的尘和气体。

The gravitational force pulls more and more matter into a clump called a protostar.


The gravitational potential energy lost is converted into kinetic energy which causes a rise incore temperature.

在物质聚集在一起的过程中,G.P.E (重力势能)减少了,伴随着的是K.E(动能)的增加,K.E的增加带来了核心温度的提高。

Eventually the kinetic energy and the density is high enough to overcome electro static repulsion and begin the fusion of hydrogen.

等到能量和密度足以原子核之间的 electrostatic repulsion(静电排斥)时,氢原子的核聚变(fusion)就开始了。

The thermal activity (radiation pressure) stops further gravitational collapse—— A main sequence star is born.

聚变产生的热/辐射使得物质不能进一步受引力作用塌缩,这时恒星达到了一个相对稳定平衡的状态——main sequencestar(主序星),而恒星会在这个状态待很久很久。我们的太阳也在目前这个最稳定的状态。此刻恒星叫作Sun-like star。如果恒星拥有很大的质量,它在这个阶段比起Sun-like star会有更高的温度,这样的有着巨大质量的恒星在此时有另外的名字——blue supergiant.

Death of stars(恒星的逝去)

The radiation pressure, due to nuclear fusion, balances the gravitational forces. As the hydrogen fuel runs out, the radiation pressure drops.


The star contracts. GPE is converted into KE and the star heats up.


If the mass of initial star is less than 0.4M0, you end up with a relatively small hot white dwarf that slowly cools.



Nuclear fusion of the helium core begins with hydrogen around the core.


There is a massive expansion of the star, with the photosphere further from the core leaving a larger cooler red giant fusing heavier elements.

恒星会有一个巨大的膨胀,外层的物质离核心越来越远,留下一个体积更大温度更低的 red giant(红巨星)继续聚变更重的元素。

膨胀中恒星会把很多物质抛向周围,此时它是一个planetary nebula.

恒星的核聚变中能得到的最重的元素是铁,因为铁原子有最大的 binding energy per nucleon. 如果要获得更重的元素,需要其他的过程提供更多的能量。


The star again runs out of fuel and collapses in on the core, however this time the mass is so great that the core implodes, a shockwave rips through the star and it explode.

燃料用尽后恒星会坍缩,而这一次因为质量很大于是重力也很大,突然的收缩造成密度的急剧上升,它的核心会 implode. 出现sudden burst of energybouncing the collapse back out也就是产生shockwave, 造成explode.此刻的恒星叫作超新星supernova.

超新星supernova 有两种走向

当恒星的质量在8-20个太阳的质量之间,core remnant mass(核心剩余质量)在1.4-2.5个太阳的质量之间时,它最后会变成neutron star(中子星),保留了the central core of stellar material。

当恒星的质量大于20个太阳的质量,core remnant mass大于2.5个太阳的质量时,它会变成black hole(黑洞)。黑洞有极高的密度,引力极其大,就连光也无法逃脱它。