摘要:CIE 物理AS part: 章节主要内容计划课时 Topic1: Kinematics describing motionspeed, distance and displacement, scalar and vector, speed and velocity, displacement- time graphs, combining displacements, combing velocities.1h Topic 2: Accelerated motionacceleration, uniform acceleration and deceleration motion, equations of motion, free fall motion, projectiles.1h Topic 3: Dynamics explaining motionSI unit, newtons first, second and third
CIE 物理AS part:
Topic1: Kinematics – describing motionspeed, distance and displacement, scalar and vector, speed and velocity, displacement- time graphs, combining displacements, combing velocities.1h
Topic 2: Accelerated motionacceleration, uniform acceleration and deceleration motion, equations of motion, free fall motion, projectiles.1h
Topic 3: Dynamics – explaining motionSI unit, newton’s first, second and third law, moving through fluids, uncertainty.1h
Topic 4: Forces – vectors momentscombining forces, components of vectors, centre of gravity, the turning effect of a force, the torque of a couple.1h
Topic 5: Work, energy and powerdoing work, transferring energy, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, g.p.e. – k.e. transformations, down, up, down – energy changes, energy transfers, power.1h
Topic 6: Momentumdefinition of momentum, modeling collisions, understanding collisions, explosions and crash – landings, momentum and Newton’s laws, understanding motion.1h
Topic 7: Mattermacroscopic properties of matter, the kinetic model, explaining pressure, changes of state.1h
Topic 8: Deforming solidscompressive and tensile forces, stretching materials, describing deformation, strength of material, elastic potential energy.1h
Topic 9: Electric fieldsattraction and repulsion, investigating electric fields, electric field strength, force on a charge.1h
Topic 10: electric current, potential difference and resistanceCircuit symbols and diagrams, electric current, the meaning of voltage, electrical resistence, electrical power.1h
Topic 11: Kirchhoff’s lawsKirchhoff’s first and second laws. Resistor combinations, ammeters and voltmeters.1h
Topic 12: Resistance and resistivityThe I-V characteristic for a metallic conductor, Ohm’s law, resistance and temperature, resistivity.1h
Topic 13: Practical circuitsInternal resistance, potential dividers, Potentiometer circuit.1h
Topic 14: WavesDescribing waves, longitudinal and transverse waves, wave energy, intensity, wave speed, electromagnetic wave, the nature of electromagnetic wave, Polarisation.1h
Topic 15: Superposition of wavesThe principle of superposition of waves, diffraction of waves, interference, the Young double-slit experiment, diffraction gratings.1h
Topic 16: Stationary wavesdefinition of stationary waves.1h
Topic 17: RadioactivityThe nature of atom, Alpha- particle scattering and the nucleus, a simple model of the atom, properties of ionizing radiation, randomness and decay.1h
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CIE 物理A2 part:
Topic 18: Circular motionDescribing circular motion, angles in radians, steady speed, changing velocity, angular velocity, centripetal forces, calculating acceleration and force, the origins of centripetal force.1h
Topic 19: Gravitational fieldsRepresenting a gravitational field, gravitational field strength g, energy in a gravitational potential, orbiting under gravity, the orbital period, orbiting the earth.1h
Topic 20: OscillationsFree and forced oscillations, observing oscillations, simple harmonic motion, frequency and angular frequency, equation of s.h.m., energy changes in s.h.m., damped oscillations, resonance.1h
Topic 21: Thermal physicsChange of state, energy changes, internal energy, the meaning of temperature, thermometers, calculating energy changes.1h
Topic 22: Ideal gasesMolecules in a gas, measuring gases, Boyle’s law, changing temperature, ideal gas equation, the kinetic model of ideal gas.1h
Topic 23: Coulomb’s lawElectric fields, Coulomb’s law, electric field strength for a radial field, electric potential, comparing gravitational and electric field.1h
Topic 24: CapacitanceCapacitors in use, Energy stored in a capacitor, capacitors in parallel, capacitors in series, comparing capacitors and resistors, capacitor network.1h
Topic 25: Magnetic fields and electromagnetismmagnetic field, magnetic force, magnetic flux density, currents crossing field, forces between currents.1h
Topic 26: Charged particlesObserving the force, orbiting charges, electric and magnetic fields, discovering the electron.1h
Topic 27: Electromagnetic inductionObserving induction, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, using induction: eddy curremt, generators and transformers.1h
Topic 28: Alternating currentsSinusoidal current, alternating voltages, power and energy, transformers and rectification.1h
Topic 29: Quantum physicsnature of light, the photoelectric effect, line spectra, photon energies, electron waves.1h
Topic 30: Nuclear physicsmass and energy, energy released in radioactive decay, binding energy and stability, the mathematics of radioactive decay, decay graph and equation, decay constant and half-life.1h
Topic 31: Direct sensingSensor components, the operational amplifier, negative feedback, the inverting amplifier, the non-inverting amplifier, output devices.1h
Topic 32: Medical imagingthe nature of X-ray, X-ray attenuation, improving X-ray images, computerized axial tomography, using ultrasound in medicine, echo sounding, ultrasound scanning, magnetic resonance image.1h
Topic 33: Communications systemsRadio waves, analogue and digital signals, channels of communication, comparison of different channels.1h
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