摘要:Revision: Human Resource Management The Human resource cycle Selection deciding which person to employ from a shortlist. Performance measure how way they are doing. Probationary periods etc. Appraisal Internal appraisal of people Development training, promotions, developing skills. Then move on to selection for next job via promotion therefore completing the cycle. Population Time bomb This is making the selection and recruitment even more import
Revision: Human Resource Management
The Human resource cycle
Selection – deciding which person to employ from a shortlist.
Performance – measure how way they are doing. Probationary periods etc.
Appraisal – Internal appraisal of people
Development – training, promotions, developing skills. Then move on to selection for next job via promotion therefore completing the cycle.
Population Time bomb
This is making the selection and recruitment even more important. This is where there is Zero Population Growth. Natural growth rate become zero whereby more people die than are being born.
However, we have net immigration therefore this slightly counteracts ZPG. Net immigration creates a multiplier effect positive for the UK economy whereas emigration has a negative multiplier effect as it removes money from the UK economy.
Recruitment and Selection
Workforce planning is getting the right number of people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time.
Need to determine H.R. requirements. This involves workforce management. A business needs to recognize when more employees might be needed, when some may need to be laid off (this is hard HR planning). Also need to look ahead to the future needs of employees with regard to skills, i.e. training of employees for new technology (soft planning). Also need to recognize whether or not they need a more flexible workforce.
Demand for labor is derived from the product which the business produces./ If there is a downturn in the economy and a product is income elastic then demand will go down meaning less people will be needed in that industry. Demand for labor can also be determined by the success of competition, the success of overseas markets, the amount of labor turnover in the business, the age of employees of the business, the advent of new technology that makes people redundant.
Attract suitable candidates for the job
Strategic selection is important because it is important that the person fits in well to the business. They need to be correct for the business. This becomes more and more important as you move higher up the business because the importance of decisions made and the repercussions increase in size.
Training and Development
What are the purposes of training and development?
Makes the company more efficient if they are better at their jobs.
Work needs to be of a particular standard therefore training and development is important.
IIP (investment in people) is important as it improves the business and gives a selling point.
If people are trained they are more motivated therefore work better.
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