
发布时间:2022-02-24 03:10:01


stranger是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 陌生人, 生客; 外地人, 外国人,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'I am a stranger in this part of the jungle.

-- said Rikki-tikki, 'that is very sad but I am a stranger here.



-- The stranger regarded his interrogator a moment in won-der; and then, losing every mark of self-satisfaction in an expression of solemn humility, he answered: 'Of offense, I hope there is none, to either party: ofdefense, I make none by God's good mercy, having com-mitted no palpable sin since last entreating his pardoning grace.

-- 'I am glad to encounter thee, friend,' continued the maid-en, waving her hand to the stranger to proceed, as she urged her Narragansett to renew its amble.

-- During this eulogium on the rare production of his na-tive poets, the stranger had drawn the book from his pocket, and fitting a pair of iron-rimmed spectacles to his nose, opened the volume with a care and veneration suited to its sacred purposes.

-- Before the stranger could make any reply to this unex-pected proposition, another horseman dashed the bushes aside, and leaped his charger into the pathway, in front of his companion.

-- Stimulated by apprehension, he left the scout, who immediately en-tered into a loud conversation with the stranger that had so unceremoniously enlisted himself in the party of travelers that morning.



-- I wondered what a stranger would have taken him to be, sitting there in his old Norfolk jacket and his unbrushed bowler; his trousers were baggy, his hands were not clean; and his face, with the red stubble of the unshaved chin, the little eyes, and the large, aggressive nose, was uncouth and coarse.

-- But how strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker, to his own ruin, perhaps, and to the misfortune of such as were dependent on him; and yet no stranger than the way in which the spirit of God has seized men, powerful and rich, pursuing them with stubborn vigilance till at last, conquered, they have abandoned the joy of the world and the love of women for the painful austerities of the cloister.

-- I stood by, at a loss, like a stranger in a land where the reactions of man to familiar things are all different from those he has known.

-- When Blanche saw that, notwithstanding his moments of passion, Strickland remained aloof, she must have been filled with dismay, and even in those moments I surmise that she realised that to him she was not an individual, but an instrument of pleasure; he was a stranger still, and she tried to bind him to herself with pathetic arts.

-- I asked the stranger if he had breakfasted.



-- asked the engineer quickly, and it was evident that this question was uttered without consideration, for he had not yet examined the stranger who addressed him.

-- The trees on the right bank were as close together as on the left bank, and it was impossible to distinguish anything beyond them; but these masses of wood were evidently uninhabited, for Top did not bark, and the intelligent animal would not have failed to signal the presence of any stranger in the neighborhood.



-- A liar too,' he added, in a lower voice as he drew closer to me, 'who knows how dear she is to me, and seeks to wound me even there, because there is a stranger nearby.'

-- Sometimes he turned his head, and looked, with earnest gaze and outstretched neck, after some stranger in the crowd, until he disappeared from sight; but, to the question why he did this, he answered not a word.

-- The rooms were low and damp, the clammy walls were pierced with chinks and holes, the rotten floors had sunk from their level, the very beams started from their places and warned the timid stranger from their neighbourhood.

-- 'Did he say, for instance,' added Brass, in a kind of comfortable, cozy tone 'I don't assert that he did say so, mind; I only ask you, to refresh your memory did he say, for instance, that he was a stranger in London that it was not his humour or within his ability to give any references that he felt we had a right to require them and that, in case anything should happen to him, at any time, he particularly desired that whatever property he had upon the premises should be considered mine, as some slight recompense for the trouble and annoyance I should sustain and were you, in short,' added Brass, still more comfortably and cozily than before, 'were you induced to accept him on my behalf, as a tenant, upon those conditions?'

-- 'Your servant, sir,' said the stranger gentleman.



-- The child, a girl with long, golden curls, was an entire stranger to her father, mainly because she was brought up not in accord with his desires.

-- "Once," she laughingly related, "I was approached by a stranger on the street, whom I could not get rid of.



-- It was here that I was destined, at a later date, to have a very strange experience the first intimation of a still stranger discovery but of that I will speak in its proper place.

-- At the risk of disappointing Richardson I stayed on, waiting for the Time Traveller; waiting for the second, perhaps still stranger story, and the specimens and photographs he would bring with him.



-- The expression of his face as he said these words was not at all pleasant, and I had my own reasons for thinking that the stranger was mistaken, even supposing he meant what he said.








